< 1 Samuel 27 >

1 Toe David mah, Nito naah loe Saul ban ah ka dueh tih; to pongah Philistin kaminawk ih prae thungah ka cawnh nahaeloe hoi tih; hae pongah kahoih hmuen om ai boeh; hae tiah ka sak nahaeloe Saul mah Israel prae thungah kai pakrong thai mak ai ueloe, a ban thung hoiah ka loih tih, tiah a poek.
And Dauid seide in his herte, Sumtyme Y schal falle in o dai in the hond of Saul; whether it is not betere, that Y fle, and be sauyd in the lond of Filisteis, that Saul dispeire, and cesse to seke me in alle the endis of Israel; therfor fle we hise hondis.
2 To pongah David hoi angmah ih kami cumvai taruktonawk loe angthawk o moe, Gath siangpahrang Maok capa Akhish khaeah caeh o.
And Dauid roos, and yede, he and sixe hundrid men with hym, to Achis, the sone of Maoth, kyng of Geth.
3 David hoi angmah ih kaminawk loe Gath vangpui ih Akhish angraeng khaeah oh o; kaminawk boih angmah ih imthung takoh hoi nawnto to ahmuen ah oh o; David doeh a zu hnik, Jezreel vangpui ih Ahinoam hoi Karmel vangpui ih Nabal zu, Abigail hoi nawnto oh toeng.
And Dauid dwellide with Achis in Geth, he, and hise men, and his hows; Dauid, and hise twei wyues, Achynoem of Jezrael, and Abigail, the wijf of Nabal of Carmele.
4 David loe Gath ah cawnh boeh, tiah Saul khaeah thuih pae o naah, anih to patom ai boeh.
And it was teld to Saul, that Dauid fledde in to Geth; and he addide no more `that he schulde seke Dauid.
5 To naah David mah Akhish khaeah, Kai hae nang tahmen nahaeloe, na prae thungah ka ohhaih ahmuen maeto na paek ah; na tamna kai loe siangpahrang ohhaih vangpui thungah kawbangmaw ka om thai tih? tiah a naa.
Forsothe Dauid seide to Achis, If Y haue founden grace in thin iyen, a place be youun to me in oon of the citees of this cuntrey, that Y dwelle there; for whi dwellith thi seruaunt in the citee of the kyng with thee?
6 To pongah to na niah Akhish mah Zikleg ahmuen to paek; to pongah Judah siangpahrang mah Ziklek vangpui to vaihni ni khoek to lak o poe.
Therfor Achis yaf to hym Sichelech in that dai, for which cause Sichelech was maad in to the possessioun of the kyngis of Juda `til in to this dai.
7 David loe Philsitin prae thungah saningto pacoeng khrah palito oh.
Forsothe the noumbre of daies, in whiche Dauid dwellide in the cuntrei of Filisteis, was of foure monethis.
8 David hoi angmah ih kaminawk loe caeh o tahang moe, Geshur kaminawk, Gezi kaminawk hoi Amalek kaminawk to tuk o; hae kaminawk loe canghnii hoiah boeh ni Shur hoi kamtong Izip prae khoek to khosak o.
And Dauid stiede, and hise men, and token preies of Gethsuri, and of Gethri, and of men of Amalech; for these townes weren enhabitid bi eld tyme in the lond, to men goynge to Sur, `til to the lond of Egipt.
9 David mah prae to tuk, nongpa nongpata maeto doeh pathlung ai; tuunawk, maitawnawk, laa hrangnawk, kaengkuu hrangnawk hoi khukbuennawk to lak o pacoengah, Akhish khaeah amlaem o let.
And Dauid smoot al the lond of hem, and lefte not man `lyuynge and womman; and he took scheep, and oxun, and assis, and camels, and clothis, and turnede ayen, and cam to Achis.
10 Akhish mah, Vaihni loe nabangah maw na caeh o moe, misa na tuk o loe? tiah a naa. David mah Judah prae aloih bang, Ken kaminawk ohhaih aloih bang ih ahmuen to ka tuk, tiah a naa.
Sotheli Achis seide to hym, `In to whom `hurliden ye to dai? Dauid answeride, Ayens the south of Juda, and ayens the south of Hiramel, and ayens the south of Ceney.
11 David loe to tiah hmuen to sak, tiah Gath vangpui ah tamthang thuih o han ai ah, nongpa hoi nongpata mi doeh pathlung ai. David loe Philistin prae thungah oh nathung to tiah sak.
Dauid left not quik man and womman, nether brouyte `in to Geth, and se ide, Lest perauenture thei speken ayens vs. Dauid dide these thingis, and this was his doom, in alle daies in whiche he dwellide in the cuntrei of Filisteis.
12 Akhish mah, David loe angmah ih Israel kaminawk mah panuet o boeh pongah, ka tamna ah om poe tih boeh, tiah a poek.
Therfor Achis bileuyde to Dauid, and seide, Forsothe he wrouyte many yuelis ayens his puple Israel, therfor he schal be euerlastynge seruaunt to me.

< 1 Samuel 27 >