< Yoswa 6 >

1 Tsono mzinda wa Yeriko unali utatsekedwa kuti Aisraeli asalowe. Palibe amene amatuluka kapena kulowa.
Forsothe Jerico was closid and wardid, for the drede of the sones of Israel, and no man durste entre, ethir go out.
2 Kenaka Yehova anati kwa Yoswa, “Taona ndapereka Yeriko, pamodzi ndi mfumu yake ndi ankhondo ake mʼmanja mwako.
And the Lord seide to Josue, Lo! Y yaf in to thin hondis Jerico, and the king therof, and alle strong men.
3 Tsono iwe pamodzi ndi ankhondo ako onse muzizungulira mzindawu masiku asanu ndi limodzi, kamodzi pa tsiku.
Alle ye fiyteris, cumpasse the citee onys bi the day; so ye schulen do in sixe daies.
4 Ansembe asanu ndi awiri, atanyamula malipenga a nyanga za nkhosa zazimuna, akhale patsogolo pa Bokosi la Chipangano. Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri mudzazungulire mzindawu kasanu ndi kawiri ansembe akuliza malipenga.
Forsothe in the seuenthe dai the preestis schulen take seuene clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubile; and thei schulen go bifor the arke of boond of pees; and seuen sithes ye schulen cumpasse the citee, and the preestis schulen trumpe with clariouns.
5 Ansembe adzalize malipenga kosalekeza. Tsono anthu onse akadzamva kuliza kumeneku adzafuwule kwambiri, ndipo makoma a mzindawo adzagwa. Zikadzatero ankhondo adzalowe mu mzindawo.”
And whanne the vois of the trumpe schal sowne lengere, and more bi whiles, and schal sowne in youre eeris, al the puple schal crie togidere with gretteste cry; and the wallis of the citee schulen falle alle doun, and alle men schulen entre bi the place, ayens which thei stonden.
6 Ndipo Yoswa mwana wa Nuni anayitana ansembe ndipo anawawuza kuti, “Nyamulani Bokosi la Chipangano cha Yehova ndipo ansembe asanu ndi awiri anyamule malipenga. Iwowa akhale patsogolo pake.”
Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, clepide preestis, and seide to hem, Take ye the ark of boond of pees, and seuene othere preestis take seuene clariouns of iubile yeeris, and go thei bifor the arke of the Lord.
7 Ndipo analamulira anthu kuti, “Yambani kuyenda! Yendani mozungulira mzinda ndipo ankhondo akhale patsogolo pa Bokosi la Yehova.”
Also Josue seide to the puple, Go ye, and cumpasse ye the citee, and go ye armed bifor the arke of the Lord.
8 Mofanana ndi mmene Yoswa anayankhulira kwa anthu aja, ansembe asanu ndi awiri anapita patsogolo pa Bokosi la Chipangano la Yehova akuliza malipenga a nyanga za nkhosa zija, ndipo Bokosi la Chipangano cha Yehova limabwera pambuyo pawo.
And whanne Josue hadde endid the wordis, and seuene preestis trumpiden with seuen clariouns bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord,
9 Ankhondo amayenda patsogolo pa ansembe amene amayimba malipenga, ndiponso gulu lina pambuyo pa Bokosilo. Nthawi yonseyi nʼkuti malipenga akulira.
and al the puple armed yede bifore, the tothir comyn puple of fiyteris suede the arke, and alle thingis sowneden with clariouns.
10 Koma Yoswa nʼkuti atalamulira anthu kuti, “Musafuwule, musakweze mawu anu kapena kuyankhula mpaka tsiku limene ndidzakuwuzani kuti mufuwule. Pamenepo mudzafuwule!”
Sotheli Josue comaundide to the puple, and seide, Ye schulen not crye, nethir youre vois schal be herd, nethir ony word schal go out of youre mouth, til the dai come, in which Y schal seie to you, Crye ye, and make ye noyse.
11 Ansembe onyamula Bokosi la Chipangano la Yehova anazungulira mzindawo kamodzi. Kenaka anthu anabwerera ku msasa wawo kukagona.
Therfor the arke of the Lord cumpasside the citee onys bi day, and turnede ayen in to the castels, and dwellide there.
12 Yoswa anadzuka mmawa tsiku linalo ndipo ansembe ananyamula Bokosi la Yehova.
Therfor while Josue roos bi nyyt, preestis tooken the arke of the Lord;
13 Ansembe asanu ndi awiri onyamula malipenga asanu ndi awiri anakhala patsogolo pa Bokosi la Yehova akuyimba malipenga. Ankhondo anali patsogolo pawo ndipo gulu lina linatsatira Bokosi la Yehova. Apa nʼkuti malipenga akulira.
and seuene of the preestis token seuen clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubilee, and yeden bifor the arke of the Lord, `and yeden, and trumpiden; and the puple yede armed bifor hem. Sotheli the tother comyn puple suede the arke, and sownede with clariouns.
14 Tsiku lachiwiri anazunguliranso mzinda kamodzi ndi kubwerera ku misasa. Iwo anachita izi kwa masiku asanu ndi limodzi.
And thei cumpassiden the citee in the secunde dai onys, and turneden ayen in to the castels; so thei dyden in sixe daies.
15 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri, anadzuka mʼbandakucha ndipo anazungulira mzindawo kasanu ndi kawiri. Ndi pa tsiku lokhali limene anazungulira mzindawu kasanu ndi kawiri.
Sotheli in the seuenthe dai thei risiden eerli, and cumpassiden the citee, as it was disposid, seuen sithis.
16 Pomwe amazungulira kachisanu ndi chiwiri, ansembe akuliza malipenga mokweza, Yoswa analamulira anthu kuti “Fuwulani pakuti Yehova wakupatsani mzindawu!
And whanne in the seuenthe cumpas preestis sowneden with clariouns, Josue seide to al Israel, Crie ye, for the Lord hath bitake the citee to vs;
17 Mzindawu ndi zonse zimene zili mʼmenemo muziwononge. Rahabe yekha, mayi wadama, ndi aliyense amene ali pamodzi naye mʼnyumba mwake asaphedwe, chifukwa anabisa anthu odzazonda, amene ife tinawatuma
and this citee be cursid, ethir distried, and alle thingis that ben therynne be halewid to the Lord. Raab the hoor aloone lyue, with alle men that ben with hir in the hows; for sche hidde the messangeris whiche we senten.
18 Koma musatenge kanthu kalikonse koyenera kuwonongedwa. Mukadzangotenga kanthu kalikonse koyenera kuwonongedwa, mudzaputa mavuto, misasa ya Israeli idzawonongedwa.
Forsothe be ye war, lest ye touchen ony thing of these that ben comaundid to you, and ye ben gilti of trespassyng; and alle the castels of Israel be vndur synne, and be troblid.
19 Zonse za siliva ndi golide, ziwiya zamkuwa ndi zachitsulo, ndi zake za Yehova ndipo ziyenera kukasungidwa mosungiramo chuma chake.”
Sotheli what euer thing is of gold, and of siluer, and of brasun vessels, and of yrun, be halewid to the Lord, and be kept in hise tresoris.
20 Ansembe analiza malipenga. Anthu atamva kulira kwa malipenga, anafuwula kwambiri ndipo makoma a Yeriko anagwa. Choncho ankhondo anabwera ku mzinda uja nawulanda.
Therfor while al the puple criede, and the trumpis sowneden, aftir that the sowne sownede in the eeris of the multitude, the walles felden doun anoon; and ech man stiede bi the place that was ayens hym. And thei token the citee,
21 Iwo analowa mu mzindawo nawononga ndi lupanga chilichonse chamoyo kuyambira amuna, akazi, ana ndi akulu, ngʼombe, nkhosa ndi abulu.
and killiden alle thingis that weren therynne, fro man `til to womman, fro yong child `til to eld man; also thei smytiden bi the scharpnesse of swerd, oxun, and scheep, and assis.
22 Yoswa anawuza anthu awiri amene anakazonda dziko aja kuti, “Pitani ku nyumba ya mkazi wadama uja ndipo mukamutulutse iye pamodzi ndi onse amene ali naye ndipo mukabwere nawo kuno, munamulumbirira.”
Forsothe Josue seide to twei men, that weren sent aspieris, Entre ye in to the hows of the womman hoore, and brynge ye forth hir, and alle thingis that ben herne, as ye maden stedfast to hir bi an ooth.
23 Choncho iwo anapita nakatenga Rahabe, abambo ake ndi amayi ake, abale ake ndi onse amene anali naye. Iwo anatulutsa banja lake lonse ndipo analiyika kuseri kwa msasa wa Aisraeli.
And the yonge men entriden, and ledden out Raab, and her fadir, and modir, and britheren, and al the purtenaunce of houshold, and the kynrede `of hir; and maden to dwelle without the castels of Israel.
24 Kenaka iwo anawotcha mzinda wonse ndi chilichonse chimene chinali mʼmenemo, kupatulapo zasiliva ndi zagolide pamodzi ndi ziwiya zamkuwa ndi zachitsulo zimene anakaziyika mʼnyumba yosungiramo chuma cha Yehova.
Sotheli thei brenten the citee, and alle thingis that weren foundun therynne, without gold, and siluer, and brasun vesselis, and yrun, which thei halewiden in to the `treserie of the Lord.
25 Koma Yoswa sanaphe Rahabe, mkazi wadamayo pamodzi ndi banja lake ndi onse amene anali naye, chifukwa anabisa anthu amene iye anawatuma kukazonda Yeriko. Zidzukulu zake za Rahabeyo zikukhala pakati pa Aisraeli mpaka lero.
Sotheli Josue made Raab the hoore to lyue, and `the hows of hir fadir, and alle thingis that sche hadde; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai; for sche hidde the messangeris, whiche he sente to asspie Jerico. In that tyme Josue preiede hertli,
26 Pa nthawi imeneyo Yoswa anapereka chenjezo motemberera kuti, “Akhale wotembereredwa pamaso pa Yehova munthu amene adzamangenso mzinda uwu wa Yeriko: “Aliyense amene adzayike maziko ake, mwana wake wamwamuna wachisamba adzafa, aliyense womanga zipata zake mwana wake wamngʼono adzafa.”
and seide, Cursid bifor the Lord be the man, that reisith and bildith the citee of Jerico! Leie he the foundementis therof in his firste gendrid sone, and putte he the yatis therof in the laste of fre children.
27 Motero Yehova anali ndi Yoswa, ndipo mbiri yake inafalikira dziko lonse.
Therfor the Lord was with Josue, and his name was pupplischid in ech lond.

< Yoswa 6 >