< Genesis 34 >

1 Tsopano Dina, mwana amene Leya anaberekera Yakobo, anapita kukacheza ndi akazi ena a mʼdzikolo.
And Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land.
2 Pamene Sekemu mwana wa Hamori Mhivi, mfumu ya deralo, anamuona, anamugwirira.
And Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her. And he took her, and lay with her, and humbled her.
3 Koma Sekemu anamukondadi namwali uja, Dina, mwana wa Yakobo motero kuti anamuyankhula mawu womutonthoza.
And his soul clung to Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly to the damsel.
4 Choncho Sekemu anati kwa abambo ake Hamori, “Mundipezere mtsikana uyu kuti akhale mkazi wanga.”
And Shechem spoke to his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel to wife.
5 Yakobo anamva kuti mwana wake Dina wagwiriridwa, koma sanachitepo kanthu msanga kudikira mpaka ana ake amuna omwe anali ku busa atabwerako.
Now Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter. And his sons were with his cattle in the field, and Jacob held his peace until they came.
6 Kenaka Hamori, abambo a Sekemu, anapita kukakambirana ndi Yakobo.
And Hamor the father of Shechem went out to Jacob to converse with him.
7 Pa nthawi iyi nʼkuti ana a Yakobo atabwererako ku busa kuja. Iwo atangomva zimene zinachitika, anawawidwa mtima. Iwo anapsa mtima kwambiri kuti Sekemu nʼkuchita chonyansa choterechi mu dziko la Israeli, kumugwirira Dina, mwana wa Yakobo.
And the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it. And the men were grieved, and they were very angry, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter, which thing ought not to be done.
8 Koma Hamori anawawuza kuti, “Mwana wanga Sekemu wamukonda kwambiri mwana wanu. Chonde muloleni kuti akhale mkazi wake.
And Hamor conversed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem longs for your daughter. I pray you, give her to him to wife.
9 Tiyeni tichite mgwirizano wa ukwati kuti ife tidzikwatira ana anu ndi inu mudzikwatira ana athu.
And make ye marriages with us; give your daughters to us, and take our daughters to you.
10 Khazikikani pakati pathu. Mukhoza kupeza malo wokhala kulikonse kumene mufuna. Mukhozanso kuchita malonda momasuka ndi kupeza chuma.”
And ye shall dwell with us, and the land shall be before you. Dwell and trade ye in it, and get possessions for you in it.
11 Pamenepo Sekemu anati kwa abambo ndi alongo ake a Dina, “Inu mundikomere mtima, ndipo ndidzakupatsani chilichonse munganene.
And Shechem said to her father and to her brothers, Let me find favor in your eyes, and what ye shall say to me I will give.
12 Tchulani mtengo wamalowolo umene ndiyenera kupereka, ndipo ndipereka. Ndidzakupatsani chilichonse chimene mukufuna malingana inu mukandipatsa namwaliyu kuti ndimukwatire.”
Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye shall say to me, but give me the damsel to wife.
13 Ana a Yakobo anayankha Sekemu ndi abambo ake, Hamori mwachinyengo chifukwa mlongo wawo, Dina anali atayipitsidwa.
And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father with guile, and spoke, because he had defiled Dinah their sister,
14 Iwo anati, “Sitingachite zimenezo, kupereka mlongo wathu kwa munthu wosachita mdulidwe. Chimenecho ndi chinthu cha manyazi kwa ife.
and said to them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to a man who is uncircumcised, for that is a reproach to us.
15 Tikuvomerani pokhapokha mutakhala ngati ife, mutachita mdulidwe ana anu onse aamuna.
Only on this condition will we consent to you: If ye will be as we are, that every male of you be circumcised.
16 Kenaka tidzakulolani kuti mukwatire ana athu, ifenso tizikwatira ana anu. Choncho tidzakhala pakati panu ndipo tidzakhala anthu amodzi.
Then we will give our daughters to you, and we will take your daughters to us. And we will dwell with you, and we will become one people.
17 Koma ngati simuvomereza kuchita mdulidwe titenga mlongo wathu ndi kupita.”
But if ye will not hearken to us, to be circumcised, then will we take our daughter, and we will be gone.
18 Mawu amenewa anakondweretsa Hamori ndi mwana wake Sekemu.
And their words pleased Hamor, and Shechem Hamor's son.
19 Mnyamata uja amene anali wolemekezeka kwambiri pa banja lake lonse, sanachedwe kuchita mdulidwe popeza anamukonda kwambiri mwana wa Yakobo.
And the young man did not delay to do the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter. And he was honored above all the house of his father.
20 Choncho Hamori ndi mwana wake Sekemu anapita ku chipata cha mzinda wawo kukayankhula ndi anthu a mu mzindawo.
And Hamor and Shechem his son came to the gate of their city, and conversed with the men of their city, saying,
21 Iwo anati, “Anthu awa ndi a mtendere. Aloleni kuti akhale mʼdziko mwathu muno nachitamo malonda. Dzikoli lili ndi malo ambiri woti iwo nʼkukhalamo. Tingathe kukwatira ana awo aakazi ndipo angathe kukwatira ana athu aakazi.
These men are peaceable with us, therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade in it, for, behold, the land is large enough for them. Let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters.
22 Komatu anthuwa adzavomereza kukhala amodzi a ife pokhapokha ngati amuna onse pakati pathu atachita mdulidwe monga alili iwo.
Only on this condition will the men consent to us to dwell with us, to become one people, if every male among us be circumcised, as they are circumcised.
23 Tikatero, ndiye kuti ziweto zawo zonsezi, katundu wawo yenseyu ndi ziweto zawo zina zonsezi zidzakhala zathu. Choncho tiyeni tiwavomereze ndipo adzakhazikika pakati pathu.”
Shall not their cattle and their substance and all their beasts be ours? Only let us consent to them, and they will dwell with us.
24 Amuna onse amene anatuluka ku chipata cha mzinda anavomerezana ndi Hamori ndi mwana wake Sekemu, ndipo aliyense wamwamuna mu mzindamo anachita mdulidwe.
And all who went out of the gate of his city hearkened to Hamor and to Shechem his son, and every male was circumcised, all who went out of the gate of his city.
25 Patapita masiku atatu, amuna onse akumvabe ululu wa kuchita mdulidwe uja, ana awiri a Yakobo, Simeoni ndi Levi, alongo ake a Dina, anatenga malupanga ndi kulowa mu mzindawo mwakachetechete napha amuna onse.
And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took each man his sword, and came upon the city unawares, and killed all the males.
26 Anapha Hamori ndi Sekemu. Anakatenga Dina ku nyumba kwa Sekemu nanyamuka.
And they killed Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went forth.
27 Ana a Yakobo anafika kwa anthu ophedwawo ndi kututa katundu mu mzindawo chifukwa anagwiririra mlongo wawo.
The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and plundered the city, because they had defiled their sister.
28 Analanda nkhosa zawo, ngʼombe zawo, abulu awo ndi china chilichonse chawo mu mzindamo pamodzi ndi za ku minda.
They took their flocks and their herds and their donkeys, and that which was in the city, and that which was in the field,
29 Anawatengera chuma chawo chonse, akazi ndi ana awo, pamodzi ndi zonse zimene zinapezeka mʼnyumba zawo. Zonsezi zinayesedwa ngati zolandidwa ku nkhondo.
and all their wealth, and all their little ones and their wives, they took captive and made a prey, even all that was in the house.
30 Pamenepo Yakobo anati kwa Simeoni ndi Levi, “Mwandiputira mavuto, ndi kundiyipitsira dzina pakati pa anthu a mʼdziko lino, Akanaani ndi Aperezi. Ife ndife owerengeka, ndipo atati aphatikizane kudzandithira nkhondo, ndiye kuti ine ndi banja langa tidzawonongeka.”
And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me, to make me odious to the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites. And, I being few in number, they will gather themselves together against me and smite me, and I shall be destroyed, I and my house.
31 Koma iwo anayankha kuti, “Pepani, nanga achite kumusandutsa mlongo wathu ngati mkazi wachiwerewere?”
And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with a harlot?

< Genesis 34 >