< Y Salmo Sija 141 >

1 Y Salmon David. JEOVA jagasja juaagangjao; chadig para iya guajo: ecungog y inagangjo, yanguin juagang jao.
`The salm `of Dauith. Lord, Y criede to thee, here thou me; yyue thou tent to my vois, whanne Y schal crye to thee.
2 Polo y tinayuyutto ya umaplanta gui menamo taegüije y insensio; ya y jinatsaco julo ni y canaejo utaegüije y inefresen pupuenge.
Mi preier be dressid as encense in thi siyt; the reisyng of myn hondis be as the euentid sacrifice.
3 Polo y guatdia O Jeova gui menan pachotjo; adaje y pettan y labiosso.
Lord, sette thou a keping to my mouth; and a dore of stonding aboute to my lippis.
4 Chamo nafalag y tataelaye na güinaja y corasonjo, ya ufatinas y taelaye na chocho yan ayo sija na taotao y chumogüe tinaelaye: ya chamo na jucanoyo ni y mannge na nañija.
Bowe thou not myn herte in to wordis of malice; to excuse excusingis in synne. With men worchinge wickidnesse; and Y schal not comyne with the chosun men of hem.
5 Polo y tininas ya unalamenyo, este y minauleg; ya ureprendeyo, ya utaegüije y laña gui jilo y ilujo: chamo na ilujo urechasa: sa asta anae manaelaye sija, y tinayuyutto ugagaegueja.
A iust man schal repreue me in mersi, and schal blame me; but the oile of a synner make not fat myn heed. For whi and yit my preier is in the wel plesaunt thingis of hem;
6 Manmayute papa y juesñija gui anae acho na lugat; ya ujajungog y sinanganjo sija, sa manmames.
for the domesmen of hem ioyned to the stoon weren sopun vp. Here thei my wordis,
7 Y telangmame manmachalapon gui pachot y naftan; taegüije anae un taotao jaalado ya japuta y tano. (Sheol h7585)
for tho weren myyti. As fatnesse is brokun out on the erthe; oure bonys ben scatered niy helle. Lord, Lord, (Sheol h7585)
8 Lao y atadogco, mangaegue guiya jago, O Yuus Jeova: iya jago nae gagaegueja y inangococo: chamo dumidingo y antijo namaesa.
for myn iyen ben to thee, Y hopide in thee; take thou not awei my soule.
9 Adajeyo gui laso ni y maplanta para guajo, yan y ecodon y chumagüe y taelaye.
Kepe thou me fro the snare which thei ordeyneden to me; and fro the sclaundris of hem that worchen wickidnesse. Synneris schulen falle in the nett therof;
10 Polo ya ufamodong y manaelaye gui jalom y laguañija, mientras umescacapayo.
Y am aloone til Y passe.

< Y Salmo Sija 141 >