< San Mateo 28 >

1 YUTTIMO na ora y sabalo, gui egaan anae mumanánaná y finénana na jaane gui semana, mato si Maria Magdalena yan y otro Maria, para ujalie y naftan.
Late then of [the] Sabbaths when dawning toward [the] first [day] of [the] week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the tomb.
2 Ya, estagüe un dangculon linao; sa y angjet y Señot tumunog guine y langet, ya janagalileg y acho gui petta, ya matachong gui sumanjilo.
And behold an earthquake there was great; an angel for of [the] Lord having descended out of heaven (and *no*) having come he rolled away the stone (from door *K*) and he was sitting upon it.
3 Ya y jechuraña parejo yan y lamlam, ya y magaguña apaca calang niebe.
Was now the appearance of him (like *NK(o)*) lightning and the clothing of him white (as *N(k)O*) snow.
4 Ya pot y minaañao nu güiya, y guatdia sija mayengyong ya sumaga calang manmatae.
From now the fear of him trembled those keeping guard and (they were as *N(k)O*) dead [men].
5 Ya manope y angjet, ilegña ni famalaoan sija: Chamiyo fanmaaañao jamyo; sa jutungoja na inaliligao si Jesus, ni guinin maatane gui quiluus.
Answering now the angel said to the women; Not do fear you yourselves; I know for that Jesus the [One] crucified you seek.
6 Taegüe güine; sa esta cajulo, taegüine guinin jasangan. Maela ya inlie y lugat anae guinin umaason y Señot;
Not He is here; He is risen for even as He said. Come do see the place where He was lying (the Lord. *KO*)
7 Ya janao fanlagoguse, ya sangane y disipuluña sija, na esta cajulo gui entalo y manmatae, ya infanninanangga Galilea: ya ayo nae inlie güe; estagüe, na esta jusangane jamyo.
And quickly having gone do say to the disciples of Him that He is risen from the dead and behold He goes before you into Galilee; there Him you will behold. Behold I have told you.
8 Ayo nae sija manapos gui naftan, manmaañao yan mangosmagof, yan manmalalago para umannae notisia y disipuluña sija.
And (having gone out *N(k)O*) quickly from the tomb with fear and joy great they ran to tell the disciples of Him.
9 Ya estagüe si Jesus na manasoda ya ilegña nu sija: Fanmagof todos! Ya sija manmato, ya manmagote y adengña ya maadora güe.
(about now were going to report to the disciples of him *K*) And behold (*ko*) Jesus (met with *N(k)O*) them saying; Greetings! And having come to [Him] they took hold of His feet and worshiped Him.
10 Ayo nae si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Chamiyo fanmaañao; janao ya sangane mañelujo na ufanjanao para Galilea; ya ayo nae ujaliiyo güije.
Then says to them Jesus; Not do fear; do go do tell to the brothers of Mine so that they may go into Galilee and there and there Me will they behold.
11 Anae manmapos sija, estagüe palo gui guatdia sija na manmato gui siuda, ya janatungo y prinsipen y mamale sija, todo y munjayan manmafatinas.
When were going now they behold some of the guard having gone into the city reported to the chief priests all the [things] having been done.
12 Ya anae mandaña yan y manamco na taotao ya manaconseja entre sija, mannae y sendalo sija megae na salape,
And having been gathered together with the elders counsel then having taken silver pieces many they gave to the soldiers
13 Ya ilegñija: Alog, y disipuluña sija manmato gui anae puenge, ya masaque güe, anae manmamaegojam.
saying; do say that the disciples of Him by night having come they stole Him we being asleep.
14 Yaguin jaecungog este y magalaje, jame innamalago güe ya infanseguro.
And if shall be heard this (by *NK(o)*) the governor, we ourselves will persuade him and you out of trouble will keep.
15 Ayo nae sija jachule y salape ya jafatinas jafa y manmafanagüe sija: ya esta na sinangan mapublilica ni Judio sija asta pago na jaane.
And having taken the money they did as they were instructed. And is spread abroad report this among [the] Jews until the present (day. *no*)
16 Ya y onse na disipulo sija manmapos para Galilea, gui un ogso anae guinin mantinago as Jesus.
And the eleven disciples went into Galilee to the mountain where assigned to them Jesus.
17 Ya anae malie, maadoragüe; lao y palo buebuente.
And having seen Him they worshiped (to him *k*) some however doubted.
18 Ya mato guiya sija si Jesus ya jasangane sija, ilegña: Todo y ninasiña manaeyo, gui langet yan y tano.
And having come to [them] Jesus spoke to them saying; Has been given to Me all authority in heaven and on (the *no*) earth.
19 Fanjanao, ya fannaquilisyano todo y nasion sija, tagpange sija pot y naan y Tata, yan y Lajiña, yan y Espiritu Santo:
Having gone therefore do disciple all the nations (baptizing *NK(o)*) them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 Fanagüe sija, na ujaadaje todosija ni jutago jamyo; sa estagüe jugagaegueja guiya jamyo todo y jaane, asta y jinecog y tano. Amen. (aiōn g165)
teaching them to observe all things as much as I commanded you; And behold I myself with you am all the days until the completion of the age. (Amen *KO*) (aiōn g165)

< San Mateo 28 >