+ San Mateo 1 >

1 LEBLON y rasan Jesucristo lajin David, lajin Abraham.
[The] book of [the] genealogy of Jesus Christ son of David son of Abraham.
2 Si Abraham jalilis si Ysaac; ya si Ysaac jalilis si Jacob; ya si Jacob jalilis si Judas yan y mañeluña.
Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac then begat Jacob; Jacob then begat Judah and the brothers of him;
3 Ya si Judas jalilis, gui as Tamar, si Fares yan si Sara; ya si Fares jalilis si Esrom; ya si Esrom jalilis si Aram;
Judah then begat Perez and Zerah out of Tamar; Perez then begat Hezron; Hezron then begat Ram;
4 Ya si Aram jalilis si Aminadab; ya si Aminadab jalilis si Naason; ya si Naason jalilis si Salmon;
Ram then begat Amminadab; Amminadab then begat Nahshon; Nahshon then begat Salmon;
5 Ya si Salmon jalilis, gui as Rahab, si Boos; ya si Boos jalilis, gui as Rut, si Obed; ya si Obed jalilis si Isai;
Salmon then begat Boaz out of Rahab; Boaz then begat Obed out of Ruth; Obed then begat Jesse;
6 Ya si Isai jalilis si ray David; ya si ray David jalilis si Salomon ni guinin güiya nii ampmam palaoan Urias;
Jesse then begat David the king; David then (the king *k*) begat Solomon out of the [wife] of Uriah;
7 Ya si Salomon jalilis si Roboam; ya si Roboam jalilis si Abias; ya si Abias jalilis si Asa;
Solomon then begat Rehoboam; Rehoboam then begat Abijah; Abijah then begat Asaph;
8 Ya si Asa jalilis si Josafat; ya si Josafat jalilis si Joram; ya si Joram jalilis si Osias;
Asaph then begat Jehoshaphat; Jehoshaphat then begat Joram; Joram then begat Uzziah;
9 Ya si Osias jalilis si Joatam; ya si Joatam jalilis si Acas; ya si Acas jalilis si Esequias;
Uzziah then begat Jotham; Jotham then begat Ahaz; Ahaz then begat Hezekiah;
10 Ya si Esequias jalilis si Manases; si Manases jalilis si Amon; ya si Amon jalilis si Josias;
Hezekiah then begat Manasseh; Manasseh then begat (Amos; Amos *N(k)O*) then begat Josiah;
11 Ya si Josias jalilis si Joaquim; si Joaquim jalilis si Jeconias, yan y mañeluña anae manmacone guiya Babilonia.
Josiah then begat Jeconiah and the brothers of him at [the time] of the carrying away to Babylon.
12 Ya mapos y manmacone guiya Babilonia, si Jeconias jalilis si Salatiel; si Salatiel jalilis si Sorobabel;
After then the carrying away to Babylon Jeconiah begat Shealtiel; Shealtiel then begat Zerubbabel;
13 Ya si Sorobabel jalilis si Abiud; si Abiud jalilis si Eliaquim; si Eliaquim jalilis si Asor;
Zerubbabel then begat Abiud; Abiud then begat Eliakim; Eliakim then begat Azor;
14 Si Asor jalilis si Sadog; si Sadog jalilis si Achim; si Achim si Eliud;
Azor then begat Zadok; Zadok then begat Achim; Achim then begat Eliud;
15 Si Eliud jalilis si Eleasar; si Eleasar jalilis si Matan; si Matan jalilis si Jacob;
Eliud then begat Eleazar; Eleazar then begat Matthan; Matthan then begat Jacob;
16 Si Jacob jalilis si José, asaguan Maria, na finañago si Jesus na mafanaan si Cristo.
Jacob then begat Joseph the husband of Mary out of whom was born Jesus who is being named Christ.
17 Enao mina todo y generasion desde as Abraham asta as David, catotse sija na generasion; ya desde as David asta manmacone guiya Babilonia, catotse na generasion; ya desde qui manmacone guiya Babilonia asta as Cristo, catotse na generasion.
All therefore the generations from Abraham to David [were] generations fourteen and from David until the carrying away to Babylon generations fourteen and from the carrying away to Babylon until the Christ generations fourteen.
18 Y mafañagon Jesucristo taegüine: Y nanaña as Maria, nobian José, antes de ujadaña, güiya esta masoda mapotgue pot y Espiritu Santo.
Now of Jesus Christ the (origin *N(k)O*) thus was happening: At the pledging (for *k*) of the mother of Him Mary to Joseph, before than to come together by them she was found in womb [pregnancy] having out of [the] Spirit Holy.
19 Ya si José asaguaña, sa mauleg na taotao, ti malago pinelo güe gui ninamamajlao, lao malagoña upinelo güe gui secreto.
Joseph now the husband of her, righteous being and not willing her (to disgrace, *N(k)O*) he purposed secretly to send away her.
20 Ya anae jajajaso este, mato para güiya y angjet Señot, anae jagüife gui minaegoña, na ilegña: José, lajin David, chamo maañao na unresibe si Maria asaguamo, sa y gaegue guiya güiya y linilis Espiritu Santo.
These things now when he was pondering behold an angel of [the] Lord in a dream appeared to him saying; Joseph son of David, not may you fear to receive Mary [as] the wife of you; that for in her having been conceived from [the] Spirit [which] is Holy.
21 Ya ufañago un laje ya ufanaan si Jesus; sa güiya unafanlibre y taotaoña nu y isaoñija.
She will bear then a son, and you will call the name of Him Jesus; He himself for will save the people of Him from the sins of them.
22 Todo sija masusede para umacumple y esta jasangan y Señot pot y profeta, ni ilegña:
This then all has come to pass that may be fulfilled that [which] having been spoken by (the *k*) Lord through the prophet saying;
23 Estagüe, un vitgen na umapotgue, ya ufañago un laje ya ufanaan si Emanuel, na comoqueilegña na si Yuus gaegue guiya jita.
Behold the virgin in womb [pregnancy] will have and she will bear a son, and they will call the name of Him Immanuel, which is being translated; With us God.
24 Anae magmata si José gui minaegoña, jafatinas taegüije y tinago y angjet, ya jaresibe y asaguaña.
(Having been awoken *N(k)O*) then Joseph from the sleep he did as he commanded him the angel of [the] Lord; and received the wife of him
25 Ya ti matungo asta qui mañago ni lajiña finenana; ya nae y naanña si Jesus.
and not he was knowing her until that she had brought forth (the *k*) a son (of her firstborn, *K*) and (s)he called the name of Him Jesus.

+ San Mateo 1 >