< San Marcos 15 >

1 YA enseguidas y egaan güije, y magas mamale yan y manamco, yan y escriba sija, yan todo y inetnon ofisiat manaconseja entaloñija, ya magode si Jesus, ya macone, ya maentrega si Pilato.
And early (upon *k*) in the morning a counsel having formed the chief priests with the elders and scribes and all the Council, having bound Jesus they led [Him] away and delivered [Him] (*k*) to Pilate.
2 Ya finaesen as Pilato, ilegña nu güiya: Jago y Ray Judios? Ya manope ilegña: Jago sumangan.
And questioned Him Pilate; You yourself are the King of the Jews? And answering to him (He says; *N(k)O*) You yourself have spoken.
3 Ya mafaaela ni y magas mamale, megae sija na güinaja.
And were accusing Him the chief priests of many things.
4 Ya finaesen güe talo as Pilato, ilegña: Ti unfanope ni jafa? liija na minegae finaela contra jago.
And Pilate again (was questioning *N(k)O*) Him saying; Not answer You no [thing]? See how many things You (they accuse! *N(K)O*)
5 Lao si Jesus ti manope ni jafa; ayo mina ninamanman si Pilato.
But Jesus no longer no longer no [thing] answered so as to amaze Pilate.
6 Ya ayo na gupot, y costumbre masosotta un preso, yanguin jagagao jaye y malagoñija.
At then [the] feast he was releasing to them one prisoner (which they were requesting. *N(k)O*)
7 Ya guaja güije uno, y naanña si Barabas, na mapreso yan y mangachongña gui un jatsamiento; sija manmamuno anae mangajulo gui jatsamiento.
There was then the [one] being named Barabbas with the rebels bound who in the insurrection murder had committed.
8 Ya y linajyan taotao manmato jijot, ya jatutujon manmangaogao na ufatinas taegüije y guinen jafatinas guiya sija,
And (having come up *N(K)O*) the crowd began to beg [him to do] even as (always *ko*) he was doing for them.
9 Lao si Pilato manope sija, ilegña: Manmalago jamyo na jusottaye jamyo y Ray Judios?
But Pilate answered to them saying; Wish you [that] I may release to you the King of the Jews?
10 Sa jatungo, na ayo na maentrega ni y magas mamale, pot y embidia.
He was aware for that because of envy had delivered up Him the chief priests.
11 Lao y magas mamale jatago y taotao sija, na ujagagao na si Barabas umasotta.
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd so that instead Barabbas he may release to them.
12 Ya si Pilato manope ilegña talo nu sija: Jafanae malagomiyo jufatinas ayo y infananaan Ray Judios?
And Pilate again answering (was saying *N(k)O*) to them; What then do you wish [that] I may do to Him you named (the *no*) King of the Jews?
13 Ya managang talo ilegñija: Atane gui quiluus.
And again they cried out; do crucify Him!
14 Ayonae si Pilato, ilegña nu sija: Jafa na taelaye finatinasña? Ya mas managang, ilegñija: Atane gui quiluus.
And Pilate was saying to them; What indeed did He commit evil But (excessively *N(k)O*) they shouted; do crucify Him!
15 Ya si Pilato, malago na ufanmagof y taotao sija, jasottaye sija si Barabas, ya maentrega si Jesus, anae munjayan masaulag, para umaatane gui quiluus.
And Pilate desiring to the crowd that which [was] satisfactory to do he released to them Barabbas and he delivered Jesus having flogged [him] that He may be crucified.
16 Ya maosgaejon ni y sendalo sija, guato gui patio mafanaan Pretorio; ya madaña todo y mangachong.
And the soldiers led away him into the palace, that is [the] Praetorium, and they call together all the cohort
17 Ya manaminagago púrpura, ya matufog un coronan tituca.
And (they dress *N(k)O*) Him purple and placed on Him having twisted together of thorns a crown
18 Ya matutujon masaluda, ilegñija: Jafa tatatmanojao Ray Judios!
and they began to salute Him; Hail (the *o*) (King *N(k)O*) of the Jews!
19 Ya mapanag y iluña ni y piao, ya matolae güe, yan mandidimo, ya maadodora güe.
And they were striking His head with a reed and were spitting on Him, and bending the knees they were kneeling down to Him.
20 Ya anae munjayan mamofeagüe, manajanao y púrpura, ya manaminagago ni y magaguñaja. Ya macone güe para umaatane gui quiluus.
And when they had mocked Him, they took off him the purple and put on Him the garments (His. *N(K)O*) And they are leading out him that (they may crucify *NK(o)*) Him.
21 Ya manacatga uno ni y malolofan para ufañija, si Simon Sirineo, tatan Alejandro yan Rufo, na mato guinen y fangualuan, para uquinatgaye ni y quiluus Jesus.
And they compel passing by one Simon of Cyrene coming from [the] country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, that he may carry the cross of Him.
22 Ya macone guato gui un lugat na y naanña Golgota: cumequeilegña, Sagan calabera.
And they bring Him to (*no*) Golgotha a place which is (being translated, *NK(o)*) of a Skull Place.
23 Ya manae guimenña, bino manadaña yan mira, lao ti jaresibe.
And they were offering Him (to drink *K*) mixed with myrrh wine; (He *N(k)O*) however not did take [it].
24 Ya maatane güe gui quiluus, manafacae ni magaguña; ya manrifa jaye uchinile cada uno.
And (having crucified *N(k)O*) Him (also *no*) (they divide for themselves *N(k)O*) the garments of Him casting lots for them, who what may take.
25 Ya y mina tres na ora, anae maatane güe gui quiluus.
It was then [the] hour third, and they crucified Him.
26 Ya y tinigue y fumaaelagüe, matugue gui sanjilo. Y RAY JUDIOS.
And there was the inscription of the accusation against Him written: The King of the Jews.
27 Ya maatane dos na saque yan güiya: y uno gui agapaña, ya y otro gui acagüeña.
And with Him they crucify two robbers, one at [the] right hand and one at [the] left of Him.
28 (Ya macumple y tinigue ni y ilegña: Güiya, usaouao matufong yan y manisao.)
(and was fulfilled scripture which is saying And with [the] lawless was credited. *K*)
29 Ya macacase todo ni y manmalolofan, ya jayeyengyong y ilonñija, ya ilegñija: Ay! jago ni y unyulang y templo, ya unjatsa talo gui mina tres na jaane;
And those passing by were denigrating Him shaking the heads of them and saying; Aha! You who [are] destroying the temple and building [it] in three days
30 Satba maesajao, ya maela tunog papa güenao gui quiluus.
do save Yourself (and *k*) (descending *N(k)O*) from the cross!
31 Taegüenaoja locue y magas mamale, manmanbotlelea gui entaloñija, ya ilegñija yan y escriba sija: Jasatba y palo, ya güiya na maesa ti siña güe jasatba.
Likewise (now *k*) also the chief priests mocking among one another with the scribes were saying; Others He saved, Himself not He is able to save;
32 Si Cristo y Ray Israel, polo ya utunog pago gui quiluus, para utafanlie, ya utafanjonggue güe. Yan ayo y mangachochongña manmaatane gui quiluus madespresia güe.
The Christ, the King (*k*) of Israel, he should descend now from the cross that we may see and may believe (in him. *O*) And those crucified (with *no*) Him were upbraiding Him.
33 Ya anae mato y mina saes na ora, jomjom todo y tano asta y mina nuebe na ora.
(And *no*) when was arriving (now *k*) [the] hour sixth darkness came over all the land until [the] hour ninth.
34 Ya y mina nuebe na ora, janagosagang si Jesus ilegña: Eli, Eli, lama sabactani? cumequeilegña: Yuusso, Yuusso, jafa muna undingoyo?
And on the ninth (*k*) hour cried out Jesus in a voice loud (saying: *k*) Eloi Eloi, lema sabachthani? Which is being translated; O God of Mine O God of Mine, to why have You forsaken Me
35 Ya palo ni y manotojgue gui oriyaña, anae majungog güe, ilegñija: Estagüe na jaaagang si Elias.
And some of those having stood by listening were saying; (behold, *N(k)O*) Elijah He calls.
36 Ya malago uno, ya jasupog y espongja gui binagle, ya japolo gui puntan y piao, ya janae para uguimen, ya ilegña: Poloja güe namaesa; ya utafanlie cao ufato si Elias, ya uninatunog.
Having run then (someone *N(k)O*) and having filled a sponge with vinegar, having put (both *k*) on a reed was giving to drink him saying; Wait! let us see if comes Elijah to take down him.
37 Ya si Jesus umagang goságang, ya jaentrega y espiritu.
But Jesus having uttered a cry loud breathed His last.
38 Ya y cottinan y templo, masisen dos pedaso, y sanjilo asta y sanpapa.
And the veil of the temple was torn into two from top until bottom.
39 Ya anae y senturion ni y tumotojgue gui menaña, linie, na taegüenao jaentrega y espiritu, ilegña: Magajet na este na taotao Lajin Yuus.
Having seen then the centurion who having stood from opposite of Him that thus (having cried out *KO*) He breathed His last, he said; Truly this man [the] Son of God was.
40 Ya mangaegue locue sija famalaoan, na maaatan gui chago, ya entre sija estaba si Maria Magdalena, yan si Maria nanan Santiago y patgon, yan si José, yan si Salome;
There were then also women from afar off looking on among whom (was *ko*) also Mary Magdalene and Mary the (*k*) of James the least and of Joses mother and Salome,
41 Ni y anae estaba güe guiya Galilea, madalalag güe, ya masetbe güe; yan megae sija na famalaoan mangachochongña julo guiya Jerusalem.
who (and *ko*) when He was in Galilee were following Him and they were ministering to Him, and other many those having come up with Him to Jerusalem.
42 Ya anae estaba pupuenge, sa ayo na jaane y Preparasion, cumequeilegña y jaane antes di y sábado,
And already when evening having arrived, since it was [the] Preparation that is before Sabbath before Sabbath
43 Mato si José, taotao Arimatea, mauleg na taotao na pápagat, ni y jananangga locue y raenon Yuus; ya mapos yan atrebe malag as Pilato, ya jagagao y tataotao Jesus.
(coming *N(k)O*) Joseph from Arimathea, a prominent Council member who also himself was waiting for the kingdom of God, having boldness he went in to (*no*) Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
44 Ya ninamanman si Pilato, cao esta matae; ya jaagang y senturion, ya jafaesen cao esta matae algun tiempo.
And Pilate wondered if already He has died, And having called to [him] the centurion he questioned him whether (of old *NK(o)*) He had died.
45 Ya anae jatungo gui senturion; janae si José ni y tataotao.
And having known [it] from the centurion He granted the (body *N(k)O*) to Joseph.
46 Ya güiya mamajan fino na magagao; ya janatunog y tataotaoña ya jabalutan ni y fino na magago, ya japolo gui un naftan ni maguadog gui acho, ya janagaliligue guato un acho, gui pettan y naftan.
And having bought a linen cloth, (and *k*) having taken down him he wrapped [Him] in the linen cloth and (he laid *NK(O)*) Him in (a grave *NK(o)*) which was cut out of a rock And he rolled a stone to the door of the tomb.
47 Ya si Maria Magdalena, yan si Maria nanan José, jalie amano nae mapolo.
And Mary Magdalene and Mary the [mother] of Joses were watching where (He has been laid. *N(k)O*)

< San Marcos 15 >