< Mui 31 >

1 Ya: igobe da La: iba: ne egefelali ilia sia: i amane, “Ya: igobe da ninia ada ea gagui huluane wamolai dagoi. Ea gagui huluane da ninia ada ea musa: gagui liligi,” amo sia: Ya: igobe da nabi.
And he heareth the words of Laban's sons, saying, 'Jacob hath taken all that our father hath; yea, from that which our father hath, he hath made all this honour;'
2 Musa: La: iba: ne da ema asigisu be wali da hame asigi, amo amola e da ba: i galu.
and Jacob seeth the face of Laban, and lo, it is not with him as heretofore.
3 Amalalu, Hina Gode da ema amane sia: i, “Dia ada amola dia fi dunu ilia sogega buhagima. Na da di sigi masunu.”
And Jehovah saith unto Jacob, 'Turn back unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred, and I am with thee.'
4 Amaiba: le, Ya: igobe da La: isele amola Lia amo ela da gisi odagiaba sogebi amo ganodini ea sibi gilisili dialebe ba: i, amoga e yosia: musa: misa: ne sia: i.
And Jacob sendeth and calleth for Rachel and for Leah to the field unto his flock;
5 E da elama amane sia: i, “Alia ada da ea musa: hou fisili, wali nama hame asigisa, na da ba: i dagoi. Be na ada ea Gode da na fidimusa: lelu.
and saith to them, 'I am beholding your father's face — that it is not towards me as heretofore, and the God of my father hath been with me,
6 Alia dawa: ! Na da na gasa huluane amoga dia ada ea hawa: hamosu.
and ye — ye have known that with all my power I have served your father,
7 Be e da nama ogogoi. Amola e da na muni logo nabuane afadenei. Be Gode da fidibiba: le, e da na hame wadela: lesi.
and your father hath played upon me, and hath changed my hire ten times; and God hath not suffered him to do evil with me.
8 La: iba: ne da, ‘Daginisisi gadofo goudi da dia bidi lamu gala’ amo sia: noba, goudi huluane da daginisisi agoane lalelegei. Amola e da, ‘gadofo fifi hamoi goudi amola da dia bidi lamu gala’ amo sia: noba, goudi huluane da gadofo fifi agoane ba: i.
'If he say thus: The speckled are thy hire, then bare all the flock speckled ones; and if he say thus: The ring-streaked are thy hire, then bare all the flock ring-streaked;
9 Gode da dia ada gebo fi huluane fadegale, nama i dagoi.
and God taketh away the substance of your father, and doth give to me.
10 Eso afaega, eso amoga lai ohe fi da mano lasu hou hamosa, amo esoga na da simasia ba: i agoane, goudi gawali huluane da aseme ilima mano lama: ne hamomusa: doaga: loba, ilia huluane da fifi amola daginisisi amola hoholei agoane ba: i.
'And it cometh to pass at the time of the flock conceiving, that I lift up mine eyes and see in a dream, and lo, the he-goats, which are going up on the flock, [are] ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled;
11 Simasia ganodini, Gode Ea a: igele dunu da nama amane sia: i, ‘Ya: igobe!’ Na bu adole i, ‘Na wea!’
and the messenger of God saith unto me in the dream, Jacob, and I say, Here [am] I.
12 Amalalu, E da amane sia: i, ‘Ba: le gadoma! Goudi gawali huluane da mano lasu hou hamosa, huluane da fifi amola daginisisi amola hoholei fawane. Na da La: iba: ne ea hou dima hamonana, amo Na ba: i dagoiba: le, amo hou hamoi dagoi.
'And He saith, Lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes, and see — all the he-goats which are going up on the flock [are] ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to thee;
13 Na da Bedele (amoga di da igi busafugulu modale ligiagamusa: , olife susuligi sogadigili, gasa bagade Nama fa: no bobogema: ne sia: i) amo sogebi Gode esala. Wahadafa dia liligi momagele, amo soge yolesili dia sogedafa amoga buhagima.’”
I [am] the God of Bethel where thou hast anointed a standing pillar, where thou hast vowed a vow to me; now, arise, go out from this land, and turn back unto the land of thy birth.'
14 La: isele amola Lia da Ya: igobema bu adole i, “Ania ada ema ani nana liligi lamu da hamedei.
And Rachel answereth — Leah also — and saith to him, 'Have we yet a portion and inheritance in the house of our father?
15 Ea da ani ga fi agoane ba: sa. E da ani bidi lai dagoi amola wali e da muni huluane ani bidi lama: ne lai, amo huluane e da ha: digi dagoi.
have we not been reckoned strangers to him? for he hath sold us, and he also utterly consumeth our money;
16 Muni amola liligi huluane amo Gode da La: iba: nema fadegai, amo huluane da ninia: amola ninia mano ilia: Di Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i defele hamoma.”
for all the wealth which God hath taken away from our father, it [is] ours, and our children's; and now, all that God hath said unto thee — do.'
17 Amalalu Ya: igobe da ea liligi huluane momagele, ea ada ea diasu Ga: ina: ne soge ganodini amoga buhagimusa: momagei. E da ea mano huluane amola ea uda ga: mele da: iya fila heda: ma: ne sia: i. Ea sibi amola ea goudi gilisisu, e bisima: ne sefasi. E da liligi huluane e da Mesoubouda: imia sogega lai, amo gaguli asi.
And Jacob riseth, and lifteth up his sons and his wives on the camels,
and leadeth all his cattle, and all his substance which he hath acquired, the cattle of his getting, which he hath acquired in Padan-Aram, to go unto Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan.
19 La: iba: ne da ea sibi hinabo damumusa: asi dagoi ba: i. La: isele da ea ada ea loboga hamoi ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi amo wamolai.
And Laban hath gone to shear his flock, and Rachel stealeth the teraphim which her father hath;
20 Ya: igobe amola da La: iba: nema ogogoi. E da hobea: i be La: iba: ne hame adoi.
and Jacob deceiveth the heart of Laban the Aramaean, because he hath not declared to him that he is fleeing;
21 Amaiba: le, ea liligi huluane gaguli, e da hobea: i. E da Iufala: idisi Hano degele, Gilia: de goumi soge amoga doaga: musa: asi.
and he fleeth, he and all that he hath, and riseth, and passeth over the River, and setteth his face [toward] the mount of Gilead.
22 Eso udiana asili, La: iba: ne da Ya: igobe ea hobea: i nabi.
And it is told to Laban on the third day that Jacob hath fled,
23 E da ea fi dunu sigi asili, eso fesuale fa: no bobogele, Gilia: de goumi sogega, Ya: igobema doaga: i.
and he taketh his brethren with him, and pursueth after him a journey of seven days, and overtaketh him in the mount of Gilead.
24 Amalalu, La: iba: ne da simasia, Gode da ema amane sia: i, “Dawa: ma! Ya: igobema maedafa baduguma!”
And God cometh in unto Laban the Aramaean in a dream of the night, and saith to him, 'Take heed to thyself lest thou speak with Jacob from good unto evil.'
25 La: iba: ne da Ya: igobema doaga: loba, Ya: igobe da ea abula diasu Gilia: de goumi soge amo ganodini gagui dialebe ba: i. La: iba: ne amola ea fi dunu da amoga ilia abula diasu gaguli esalu.
And Laban overtaketh Jacob; and Jacob hath fixed his tent in the mount; and Laban with his brethren have fixed [theirs] in the mount of Gilead.
26 Amalalu, La: iba: ne da Ya: igobema amane sia: i, “Di da abuliba: le nama ogogoi, amola na uda mano amo uda da gasawane gegei ganodini suguli lai defele, hiouginana asi dagoi.
And Laban saith to Jacob, 'What hast thou done that thou dost deceive my heart, and lead away my daughters as captives of the sword?
27 Abuli nama ogogole, mae adole udigili hobea: i. Di da nama adole ba: loba, na da di hahawane asigi gesami hea: su amola sani baidama amola eno liligi dusa asili, di asunasila: loba.
Why hast thou hidden thyself to flee, and deceivest me, and hast not declared to me, and I send thee away with joy and with songs, with tabret and with harp,
28 Di udigili hobea: iba: le, na mano amola na aowa asigibio nonogomu da hamedei ba: i. Amo da gagaoui hou di da hamoi.
and hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? — now thou hast acted foolishly in doing [so];
29 Na da di wadela: musa: gasa gala. Be aya gasia Gode da nama sisasu. E da di mae badugama: ne, nama sia: i.
my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.
30 Di da dia sogedafa amoga buhagimu hanaiba: le fisili asi, amo na dawa: Be di da abuliba: le na fi loboga hamoi ‘gode’ liligi wamolabala?”
'And now, thou hast certainly gone, because thou hast been very desirous for the house of thy father; why hast thou stolen my gods?'
31 Ya: igobe da bu adole i, “Di da dia uda mano amo bu samogesa: besa: le, na hobea: i.
And Jacob answereth and saith to Laban, 'Because I was afraid, for I said, Lest thou take violently away thy daughters from me;
32 Be nowa da dia loboga hamoi ‘gode’ liligi wamolai, amo ninia da fane legemu. Wali ninia fi dunu da ba: su dunu esala. Di hogoi helema. Adi liligi da dia liligi ba: sea, defea, bu lama.” La: isele da La: iba: ne ea ‘gode’ liligi wamolai, amo Ya: igobe da hame dawa: i galu.
with whomsoever thou findest thy gods — he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what [is] with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.
33 La: iba: ne da asili, Ya: igobe ea abula diasu ganodini hogoi. Amalalu, e da Lia abula diasuga asi, amola udigili hawa: hamosu uda aduna amo ela diasu. Be ea ‘gode’ liligi hame ba: i. Amalalu, e da La: isele ea diasuga asi.
And Laban goeth into the tent of Jacob, and into the tent of Leah, and into the tent of the two handmaidens, and hath not found; and he goeth out from the tent of Leah, and goeth into the tent of Rachel.
34 La: isele da amo ‘gode’ liligi lale, ga: mele ea baligiga legesu esa amo ganodini salawane, amo da: iya fi galu. La: iba: ne da abula diasu huluane hogoi helele, hame ba: i.
And Rachel hath taken the teraphim, and putteth them in the furniture of the camel, and sitteth upon them; and Laban feeleth all the tent, and hath not found;
35 La: isele da ea adama amane sia: i, “Ada! Nama mae ougima! Na da wa: legadomu gogolei galebe. Na da oubiga sioi fi galebe,” e ogogole amane sia: i. La: iba: ne da hogoi helele, be ea loboga hamoi ‘gode’ hame ba: i.
and she saith unto her father, 'Let it not be displeasing in the eyes of my lord that I am not able to rise at thy presence, for the way of women [is] on me;' and he searcheth, and hath not found the teraphim.
36 Amalalu, Ya: igobe da mi hanai galu. E ougili amane sia: i, “Na da adi wadela: i hou hamobela: ? Na da adi sema fibiba: le, di da nama benea ahoasu dunu defele nama se bobogebela: ?
And it is displeasing to Jacob, and he striveth with Laban; and Jacob answereth and saith to Laban, 'What [is] my transgression? what my sin, that thou hast burned after me?
37 Di da na liligi ganodini hogoi helebeba: le, dia liligi ba: bela: ? Amai galea, gadili ligisili, dia dunu amola na dunu da fofada: lalu, ninia da moloidafa dunu ba: mu.
for thou hast felt all my vessels: what hast thou found of all the vessels of thy house? set here before my brethren, and thy brethren, and they decide between us both.
38 Na da wali ode 20 agoane, dia hawa: hamosu. Dia sibi amola dia goudi da mano bagohame lai dagoi. Sibi gawali dia sibi gilisisu amo ganodini esalebe, na da hamedafa mai.
'These twenty years I [am] with thee: thy ewes and thy she-goats have not miscarried, and the rams of thy flock I have not eaten;
39 Sibi da gasonasu ohe fi amoga medole legei ba: loba, na da nisu dabe i. Na da na hou dodofemusa: amo medole legei liligi dima hame gaguli misi. Esoga o gasi ganodini, liligi wamolai ba: loba, di da nama fawane dabe lai dagoi.
the torn I have not brought in unto thee — I, I repay it — from my hand thou dost seek it; I have been deceived by day, and I have been deceived by night;
40 Eso bagohame na da se nabi. Esoga eso gia: i bagade amola gasi ganodini anegagi. Na da golamu gogolei.
I have been [thus]: in the day consumed me hath drought, and frost by night, and wander doth my sleep from mine eyes.
41 Amo hou da ode 20 agoane na da dia sogega esalu, agoaiwane ba: i. Ode 14 na da dia uda mano aduna bidi lama: ne udigili hawa: hamosu. Ode 6 amoga na da dia lai gebo gilisisu ouligisu. Na da na sibi amola goudi gilisisu lama: ne hawa: hamosu. Di amola da amo ganodini na bidi nabuane agoane afadenei.
'This [is] to me twenty years in thy house: I have served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thou changest my hire ten times;
42 Na ada A: ibalaha: me amola Aisage ela Gode da na hame fidi ganiaba, di da na udigili bidi mae lalewane asunasila: loba. Be Gode da na se nabasu amola na hawa: hamosu ba: i dagoi. Aya gasia E da dima gagabole sia: ne, Ea fofada: su hamoi dima olelei dagoi.”
unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the Fear of Isaac, had been for me, surely now empty thou hadst sent me away; mine affliction and the labour of my hands hath God seen, and reproveth yesternight.'
43 La: iba: ne da Ya: igobema bu adole i, “Amo uda da na mano esala. Ilia manolali da na manolali. Lai gebo gilisisu huluane guiguda: goe da na: Liligi huluane di guiguda: ba: sa, amo da na liligi. Be na da na mano amola ilia mano gagumusa: hamedei ba: sa.
And Laban answereth and saith unto Jacob, 'The daughters [are] my daughters, and the sons my sons, and the flock my flock, and all that thou art seeing [is] mine; and to my daughters — what do I to these to-day, or to their sons whom they have born?
44 Amaiba: le, na da dima gousa: su hamomu gala. Ninia amo mae gogolema: ne, igi gilisili bi ilegele hamomu da defea.”
and now, come, let us make a covenant, I and thou, and it hath been for a witness between me and thee.'
45 Amaiba: le, Ya: igobe da igi afae lale, wanonesisu hamoma: ne ligisi.
And Jacob taketh a stone, and lifteth it up [for] a standing pillar;
46 Ea sia: beba: le, ea dunu da igi eno gilisili, bi hamoi. Amalalu, amo igi gilisi bi dafulili, ilia da lolo mai.
and Jacob saith to his brethren, 'Gather stones,' and they take stones, and make a heap; and they eat there on the heap;
47 La: iba: ne da amo igi bi dio asuli amo Yiga Sa: ihaduda. Ya: igobe da amo igi bi dio eno asuli amo Ga: liede. (Hibulu sia: - Mae Gogolema: ne Bi Gagui).
and Laban calleth it Jegar-Sahadutha; and Jacob hath called it Galeed.
48 La: iba: ne da Ya: igobema amane sia: i, “Amo igi bi da anima mae gogolema: ne ilegei dialumu.” Amaiba: le, amo sogebi ea dio da Ga: liede.
And Laban saith, 'This heap [is] witness between me and thee to-day;' therefore hath he called its name Galeed;
49 La: iba: ne da eno amane sia: i, “Ania da afafamuba: le, Gode da ani noga: le ba: mu da defea.” Amaiba: le, amo sogebi dio eno da Misiba. (Ba: su Sogebi).
Mizpah also, for he said, 'Jehovah doth watch between me and thee, for we are hidden one from another;
50 La: iba: ne e da amane sia: i, “Di da na uda mano wadela: lesisia o eno uda lasea, ania da afafamuba: le na da hame dawa: mu. Be mae gogolema. Gode da ani ba: lala.
if thou afflict my daughters, or take wives beside my daughters — there is no man with us — see, God [is] witness between me and thee.'
51 Igi bi na hamoi da goea. Amola amo da mae gogolema: ne igi diala.
And Laban saith to Jacob, 'Lo, this heap, and lo, the standing pillar which I have cast between me and thee;
52 Amo igi bi amola igi ilegei da agoane olelesa. Na da di doagala: musa: masea, amo igi bi baligimu da sema bagade. Amola di da nama doagala: musa: ahoasea, amo baligimu da sema bagade.
this heap [is] witness, and the standing pillar [is] witness, that I do not pass over this heap unto thee, and that thou dost not pass over this heap and this standing pillar unto me — for evil;
53 A: ibalaha: me ea Gode amola Na: iho ea Gode da anima fofada: su dunu esala.” Amalalu Ya: igobe da Gode (Ema ea eda Aisage da nodone sia: ne gadosu) amo Ea Dioba: le, amo sema noga: le dawa: ma: ne, dafawane ilegele sia: i.
the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, doth judge between us — the God of their father,' and Jacob sweareth by the Fear of his father Isaac.
54 E da ohe afae fane, gobele salasu hou amo goumia hamone, ea fi dunu amo lolo moma: ne sia: i. Ha: i nanu, ilia amo gasia goumi da: iya esalu.
And Jacob sacrificeth a sacrifice in the mount, and calleth to his brethren to eat bread, and they eat bread, and lodge in the mount;
55 Hahabedafa, La: iba: ne da ea aowa huluane amola ea uda mano ilima asigibio nonogonanu, hi diasuga buhagimusa: fisili asi.
and Laban riseth early in the morning, and kisseth his sons and his daughters, and blesseth them; and Laban goeth on, and turneth back to his place.

< Mui 31 >