< Erromatarrei 14 >

1 Eta fedez infirmo dena recebi eçaçue, baina ez disputationez iharduquitera.
Him that is weake in the fayth receave vnto you not in disputynge and troublynge his conscience.
2 Batac sinhesten du gauça gucietaric ian ahal deçaquela: eta berce infirmo denac belhar iaten du.
One beleveth that he maye eate all thinge. Another which is weake eateth earbes.
3 Iaten duenac, iaten eztuena ezteçan menosprecia: eta iaten eztuenac, iaten duena ezteçan iudica. Ecen Iaincoac hura bere recebitu vkan du.
Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not. And let not him whiche eateth not iudge him that eateth. For God hath receaved him.
4 Hi nor aiz berceren cerbitzaria iudicatzen duana? bere Iaunari fermu egoiten edo erorten ciayóc: baina fermaturen dic: ecen botheretsu duc Iaincoa haren fermatzeco.
What arte thou that iudgest another manes servaut? Whether he stonde or faule that pertayneth vnto his master: ye he shall stonde. For God is able to make him stonde.
5 Batac estimatzen du egun bata bercea bainoago, eta berceac estimatzen du bardin cein egun nahi den: batbedera biz segur bere conscientián.
This man putteth difference bitwene daye and daye. Another man counteth all dayes alyke. Se that no man waver in his awne meanynge.
6 Egunera behatzen duenac, Iaunagana behatzen du: eta egunera behatzen eztuenac, Iaunagana eztu behatzen. Iaten duenac, Iaunari iaten du: ecen regratiatzen du Iaincoa: eta iaten eztuenac, Iaunari eztu iaten, eta regratiatzen du Iaincoa.
He that observeth one daye more then another doth it for ye lordes pleasure. And he that observeth not one daye moare then another doeth it to please ye lorde also. He that eateth doth it to please the lorde for he geveth god thankes.
7 Ecen ezta gutaric nehor bere buruäri vici, eta ezta nehor bere buruäri hiltzen.
And he yt eateth not eateth not to please ye lorde wt all and geveth god thankes.
8 Ecen edo dela vici garén, Iaunari vici gara: edo dela hiltzen garén, Iaunari hiltzen gara. Beraz nahi bada vici garén, nahi bada hiltzen garén, Iaunaren gara
For none of vs lyveth his awne servaut: nether doeth anye of vs dye his awne servaunt. Yf we lyve we lyve to be at ye lordes will. And yf we dye we dye at ye lordes will. Whether we lyve therfore or dye we are the lordes.
9 Ecen hunetacotzát Christ hil, eta resuscitatu, eta vicitara itzuli içan da, hambat hilén nola vicién gainean dominatione duençát.
For Christ therfore dyed and rose agayne and revived that he myght be lorde both of deed and quicke.
10 Baina hic cergatic iudicatzen duc eure anayea? edo hic-ere cergatic menospreciatzen duc eure anayea? Ecen guciac comparituren gara Christen iudicioco throno aitzinean.
But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other why doest thou despyse thy brother? We shall all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christ.
11 Ecen scribatua da, Vici naiz ni, dio Iaunac, ecen niri gurthuren çait belhaun gucia: eta mihi oroc laudorio emanen drauca Iaincoari.
For it is written: as truely as I lyve sayth ye lorde all knees shall bowe to me and all tonges shall geve a knowledge to God.
12 Bada segur gutaric batbederac bere buruaz contu rendaturen drauca Iaincoari.
So shall every one of vs geve accomptes of him selfe to God.
13 Ezteçagula beraz guehiagoric elkar iudica, bainaitzitic hunetan iugemenduz vsat eçaçue, behaztopagarriric batre edo trebucagarriric çuen anayeri eçar ezteçoçuen.
Let vs not therfore iudge one another eny more. But iudge this rather that no man put a stomblynge blocke or an occasion to faule in his brothers waye.
14 Badaquit, eta segur naiz Iesus Iaunaren partez, eztela deus satsuric bere berez: salbu, cerbait satsu dela estimatzen duenaren, hura harendaco satsu baita.
For I knowe and am full certified in the Lorde Iesus that ther is nothinge comen of it selfe: but vnto him that iudgeth it to be comen: to him is it comen.
15 Baina baldin viandagatic hire anayea tristetzen bada, ezabila ia charitatearen araura: ezteçála eure viandagatic hura gal, ceinagatic Christ hil içan baita.
If thy brother be greved with thy meate now walkest thou not charitablye. Destroye not him with thy meate for whom Christ dyed.
16 Eztadila beraz çuen vnguia gaitz erran.
Cause not youre treasure to be evyll spoken of.
17 Ecen Iaincoaren resumá ezta ianhari ez edari: baina iustitia eta baque eta bozcario Spiritu sainduaz.
For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drinke: but rightewesnes peace and ioye in the holy goost.
18 Ecen gauça hautan Christ cerbitzatzen duena, Iaincoaren gogaraco da, eta laudatua da guiçonéz.
For whosoever in these thinges serveth Christ pleaseth well God and is commended of men.
19 Iarreiqui gaquiztén beraz baqueari dagozcan gaucey, eta elkarren edificationetaco diradeney.
Let vs folowe tho thinges which make for peace and thinges wherwith one maye edyfie another.
20 Ezteçála hic viandaren causaz Iaunaren obra deseguin: eguia duc gauça guciac chahu diradela, baina gaizquia duc scandalorequin iaten duen guiçonaren.
Destroye not ye worke of god for a lytell meates sake. All thinges are pure: but it is evyll for that man which eateth with hurte of his conscience.
21 On duc haraguiric ez iatea, eta mahatsarnoric ez edatea, eta hire anaye behaztopatzen edo scandalizatzen, edo infirmo eguiten den gauçaren ez eguitea.
It is good nether to eate flesshe nether to drincke wyne nether eny thinge wherby thy brother stombleth ether falleth or is made weake.
22 Hic fede duc? auc euror baithan Iaincoaren aitzinean. Dohatsu da bere buruä iudicatzen eztuena laudatzen duen gauçän.
Hast thou fayth? have it with thy selfe before god. Happy is he yt condempneth not him selfe in that thinge which he aloweth.
23 Baina scrupulo eguiten duena, baldin ian badeça, iudicatua da: ecen eztu fedez iaten: eta fedetic eztén gucia bekatu da.
For he yt maketh conscience is dampned yf he eate: because he doth it not of fayth. For whatsoever is not of fayth that same is synne.

< Erromatarrei 14 >