< Apokalipsia 2 >

1 Ephesen den Eliçaco Aingueruäri scriba ieçóc, Çazpi içarrac bere escu escuinean dadutzanac, çazpi candeler vrrhezcoén artean dabilanac, gauça hauc erraiten citic:
To the Angel of the Church in Ephesus write: — “These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, and walks among the seven golden lamps: —
2 Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, eta hire trabaillua, eta hire patientiá eta nola gaichtoac ecin suffri ditzaqueán, eta experimentatu dituán Apostolu erraiten diradenac eta ezpaitirade: eta eriden duc hec diradela gueçurti.
I know your life, your toil and endurance, and I know that you cannot tolerate evil-doers. I know, too, how you tested those who declare that they are Apostles, though they are not, and how you proved them false.
3 Eta suffritu vkan duc, eta patientia duc, eta trabaillatu içan aiz ene icenagatic, eta ezaiz enoyatu içan.
You possess endurance, and have borne much for my Name, and have never grown weary.
4 Baina badiát cerbait hire contra, ceren eure leheneco charitatea vtzi vkan baituc.
But this I have against you — You have abandoned your first love.
5 Bada orhoit adi nondic erori aicén, eta dolu bequic, eta leheneco obrác eguin itzac: ezpere ethorriren nauc hire contra sarri, eta kenduren diát hire candelera bere lekutic, baldin dolu ezpadaquic.
Therefore remember from what you have fallen, and repent, and live the life that you lived before; or else, I will come and remove your Lamp from its place, unless you repent.
6 Baina haur baduc, Nicolaiten obrey gaitz baitariztec, hæy nic-ere gaitz diarizteat.
But this is in your favour — You hate the life lived by the Nikolaitans, and I also hate it.
7 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicey, Victoriosoari emanen draucat iatera vicitzeco arboretic cein baita Iaincoaren paradisoaren erdian.
Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. To him who conquers — to him I will give the right ‘to eat the fruit of the Tree of life, which stands in the Paradise of God.’ “
8 Smyrnen den Eliçaco Aingueruäri-ere scriba ieçóc, Lehenac eta azquenac, hil içan denac eta viztu içan denac, gauça hauc erraiten citic:
To the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write: — “These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died, but is restored to life: —
9 Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, eta tribulationea, eta paubreciá (baina abrats aiz) eta bere buruäc Iudu eguiten dituztenén blasphemioa, eta ezpaitirade, baina dituc Satanen synagoga.
I know your persecution and your poverty — yet you are rich! I know, too, the slander that comes from those who declare that they are Jews, though they are not, but are a Congregation of Satan.
10 Ezaicela suffritzeco dituán gaucen beldur: huná, deabruac çuetaric batzu presoinean eçarteco citic phoroga çaiteztençát, eta vkanen duçue tribulatione hamar egunez: aicén fidel heriorano, eta emanen drauát vicitzeco coroa.
Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The Devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tempted, and may undergo persecution for ten days. Be faithful even to death, and I will give you the Crown of Life.
11 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicéy, Victoriosoari etzayo calteric eguinen bigarren herioaz.
Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. He who conquers shall suffer no hurt from the Second Death.”
12 Pergamen den Eliçaco Aingueruäri-ere scriba ieçóc, Bi ahotaco ezpata çorrotza duenac, gauça hauc erraiten citic,
To the Angel of the Church in Pergamus write: — “These are the words of him who holds the sharp two-edged sword: —
13 Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, eta non habitatzen aicén, Satanen thronoa den lekuan: eta ene icena badaducac, eztuc renuntiatu vkan ene fedea: Are Antipas ene martyr fidela heriotara eman içan den egunean-ere çuen artean, non habitatzen baita Satan.
I know where you dwell, where the Throne of Satan stands. And yet you hold to my Name, and you did not disown my Faith even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death among you where Satan dwells.
14 Baina cerbait gauça appur badiat hire contra, ecen baduála hor Balaamen doctriná eduquiten dutenetaric, ceinec iracasten baitzuen Balac Israeleco haourrén aitzinean scandalo eçartera, idoley sacrificatzen çaizten gaucetaric iatera, eta paillardatzera.
Yet I have a few things against you — You have among you those who hold to the Teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put temptations in the way of the Israelites, so that they should eat idol-offerings and commit licentious acts.
15 Halaber baduc hic Nicolaitén doctriná daducatenetaric-ere, cein baita nic gaitz daritzadan gauçá.
Again you have among you those who hold in the same way to the Teaching of the Nikolaitans.
16 Dolu bequic: ezpere, ethorriren nauc hire contra sarri, eta bataillaturen nauc hayén contra neure ahoco ezpatáz.
Therefore repent, or else, I will come quickly and contend with such men with words that will cut like a sword.
17 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicey, Victoriosoari emanen draucat iatera gordea dagoen Mannatic, eta emanen draucat harri churibat: eta harrian icen berribat scribaturic, cein nehorc ezpaitu eçagutzen, recebitzen duenac baicen:
Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. To him who conquers — to him I will give a share of the mystic manna, and I will give him a white stone; and on the stone shall be inscribed a new name, which no one knows except him who receives it.”
18 Thyatiren den Eliçaco Aingueruäri-ere scriba ieçóc, Iaincoaren Semeac, ceinec baititu beguiac suaren garra beçala, eta ceinen oinéc cobre fina irudi baituté, gauça hauc erraiten citic,
To the Angel of the Church in Thyatira write: — “These are the words of the Son of God, ‘whose eyes are like flaming fire, and whose feet are like brass’: —
19 Baceaquizquiat hire obrac eta hire charitatea eta cerbitzua eta fedea eta hire patientiá eta hire obrác: eta hire azquen obrác lehenac baino guehiago dituc.
I know your life, your love, faith, service, and endurance; and I know that your life of late has been better than it was at first.
20 Baina cerbait gauça appur badiát hire contra: ceren permettitzen baituc Iezabel emazteac (ceinec eguiten baitu bere buruä prophetessa) iracats deçan, eta ene cerbitzariac seduci ditzan, paillardatzera, eta idoley sacrificatzen diradenetaric iatera.
Yet I have this against you — You tolerate the woman Jezebel, who declares that she is a Prophetess, and misleads my servants by her teaching, till they commit licentious acts and eat idol-offerings.
21 Eta eman diarocat dembora, bere paillardiçatic emenda ledinçát: eta eztuc emendatu.
I gave her time to repent, but she is determined not to turn from her licentiousness.
22 Huná, nic diát hura eçarten ohean: eta harequin adulteratzen dutenac gucizco tribulatione handitan, baldin bere obretaric emenda ezpaditez.
Therefore I am laying her upon a bed of sickness, and bringing great suffering upon those who are unfaithful with her, unless they repent and turn from a life like hers.
23 Eta haren haourrac herioz hilen citiát, eta iaquinen dié Eliça guciéc ecen ni naicela guelçurrunac eta bihotzac examinatzen ditudana: eta çuetaric batbederari emanen diarocat bere obrén araura.
I will also put her children to death; and all the Churches shall learn that I am he who ‘looks into the hearts and souls of men’; and I will give to each one of you what his life deserves.
24 Baina çuey goitico Thyatiren çaretenoy erraiten drauçuet, Nor-ere baitirade doctrina haur eztutenac, eta Satanen barnatassunac eçagutu eztituztenac, dioiten beçala: eztut çuen gainera berce cargaric eçarriren.
But I say to the rest of you at Thyatira — all who do not accept such teaching, whose who did not learn ‘the secrets of Satan,’ as men call them — I am not laying on you any further burden;
25 Baina duçuena, educaçue ethor nadino.
only hold fast to what you have received, until I come.
26 Ecen victoria vkan duqueenari, eta ene obrác finerano beguiratu dituqueenari, emanen draucat bothere Gentilén gainean.
To him who conquers and is careful to live my life to the end — to him I will give authority over the nations,
27 Eta gobernaturen dituque burdinazco cihorrez: eta chehecaturen dirade lurrezco vnciac beçala, nic-ere Aitaganic recebitu vkan dudan beçala:
and ‘he shall rule them with an iron rod, as when earthen vessels are broken in pieces’ (as I myself have received from my Father)
28 Eta emanen draucat hari artiçarra.
and I will give him the Morning Star.
29 Beharriric duenac, ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicey.
Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.”

< Apokalipsia 2 >