< Mateo 21 >

1 Eta Ierusaleme aldera ciradenean, eta ethor citecenean Bethphagera, Oliuatzetaco mendi aldera, orduan Iesusec igor citzan bi discipulu,
And whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Jerusalem, and cam to Bethfage, at the mount of Olyuete, thanne sente he his twei disciplis, and seide to hem,
2 Erraiten cerauela, Çoazte çuen aurkaco burgura, eta bertan eridenen duçue asto emebat estecatua, eta vmebat harequin: lachaturic ekar ietzadaçue.
Go ye in to the castel that is ayens you, and anoon ye schulen fynde an asse tied, and a colt with hir; vntien ye, and brynge to me.
3 Eta baldin nehorc deus badarraçue, erraçue ecen Iaunac behar dituela: ecen bertan igorriren ditu hec.
And if ony man seie to you ony thing, seie ye, that the Lord hath nede to hem; and anoon he schal leeue hem.
4 Bada haur gucia eguin içan da Prophetáz erran cena compli ledinçát, cioela,
Al this was doon, that that thing schulde be fulfillid, that was seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Seie ye to the douyter of Syon, Lo!
5 Erroçue Siongo alabari, Huná, eure reguea ethorten çain mansoric, eta asto emearen, eta vztarricoaren vme arraren gainean iarria.
thi kyng cometh to thee, meke, sittynge on an asse, and a fole of an asse vnder yok.
6 Discipuluac bada ioan citecen, eta eguin ceçaten Iesusec ordenatu cerauèn beçala.
And the disciplis yeden, and diden as Jhesus comaundide hem.
7 Eta ekar citzaten astoa eta vmea, eta eçar citzaten hayén gainean bere abillamenduac, eta iar eraci ceçaten hayén gainean.
And thei brouyten an asse, and the fole, and leiden her clothis on hem, and maden hym sitte aboue.
8 Eta gendetze handic heda citzaten bere abillamenduac bidean, eta bercéc adarrac piccatzen cituzten arboretaric, eta bidean hedatzen.
And ful myche puple strewiden her clothis in the weie; othere kittiden braunchis of trees, and strewiden in the weie.
9 Eta aitzinean ioaiten eta iarreiquiten cen populua oihuz cegoen, cioela, Hosanna Dauid-en semeá: benedicatu dela Iaunaren icenean ethorten dena, Hosanna leku gorenetan aicená.
And the puple that wente bifore, and that sueden, crieden, and seiden, Osanna to the sone of Dauid; blessid is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Osanna in hiy thingis.
10 Eta sarthu cenean hura Ierusalemen, ciuitate gucia moui cedin, cioela, Nor da haur?
And whanne he was entrid in to Jerusalem, al the citee was stirid, and seide, Who is this?
11 Eta populuac erraiten çuen, Haur da Iesus Prophetá Galilean den Nazareteco.
But the puple seide, This is Jhesus, the prophete, of Nazareth of Galilee.
12 Eta sar cedin Iesus Iaincoaren templean, eta egotz citzan campora templean saltzen eta erosten ari ciraden guciac: eta cambiadorén mahainac itzul citzan, eta vsso colombác saltzen cituztenen cadirác.
And Jhesus entride in to the temple of God, and castide out of the temple alle that bouyten and solden; and he turnede vpsedoun the bordis of chaungeris, and the chayeris of men that solden culueris.
13 Eta dioste, Scribatua da, Ene etchea, orationetaco etche deithuren da: baina çuec hura gaichtaguin lece eguin duçue.
And he seith to hem, It is writun, Myn hous schal be clepid an hous of preier; but ye han maad it a denne of theues.
14 Orduan ethor citecen harengana itsuac eta mainguäc templean: eta senda citzan hec.
And blynde and crokid camen to hym in the temple, and he heelide hem.
15 Baina ikussiric Sacrificadore principaléc eta Scribéc harc eguin cituen miraculuac, eta haourraco oihuz ceudela templean, eta erraiten çutela, Hosanna Dauid-en semeá: gaitzi cequién.
But the princis of prestis and scribis, seynge the merueilouse thingis that he dide, and children criynge in the temple, and seiynge, Osanna to the sone of Dauid, hadden indignacioun,
16 Eta erran cieçoten, Badançuc hauc cer dioitén? Eta Iesusec erran ciecén, Bay: eztuçue egundano iracurri, Haourrén eta edosquiten dutenén ahotic complitu vkan duc laudorioa.
and seiden to hym, Herist thou what these seien? And Jhesus seide to hem, Yhe; whether ye han neuer redde, That of the mouth of yonge children, and of soukynge childryn, thou hast maad perfit heriyng?
17 Eta hec vtziric, ilki cedin hiritic campora Bethaniarat: eta ostatu har ceçan han.
And whanne he hadde left hem, he wente forth out of the citee, in to Bethanye; and there he dwelte, and tauyte hem of the kyngdom of God.
18 Eta goicean hirirát itzultzen cela, gosse cedin.
But on the morowe, he, turnynge ayen in to the citee, hungride.
19 Eta ikussiric ficotzebat bidearen gainean, ethor cedin hartara, eta etzeçan deus hartan eriden hostoric baicen: eta diotsa, Guehiago fructuric hireganic sor eztadila seculan. Eta eyhar cedin bertan ficotzea. (aiōn g165)
And he saye a fige tree bisidis the weie, and cam to it, and foond no thing ther ynne but leeues oneli. And he seide to it, Neuer fruyt come forth of thee, in to with outen eende, And anoon the fige tre was dried vp. (aiōn g165)
20 Eta hori ikussiric discipuluéc mirets ceçaten, cioitela, Nolatan bertan eyhartu içan da ficotzea?
And disciplis `sawen, and wondriden, seiynge, Hou anoon it driede.
21 Eta ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran ciecén, Eguiaz erraiten drauçuet, baldin fede baduçue, eta duda ezpadeçaçue, ez solament ficotzeari eguin içan çayona eguinen duçue, baina are baldin mendi huni badarroçue, Khen adi, eta iraitz adi itsassora eguinen da.
And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, if ye haue feith, and douten not, not oonli ye schulen do of the fige tree, but also if ye seyn to this hil, Take, and caste thee in to the see, it schal be don so.
22 Eta cerere galde eguinen baituçue orationean sinhesten duçuela, recebituren duçue.
And alle thingis what euere ye bileuynge schulen axe in preyer, ye schulen take.
23 Eta ethorri cenean templera, Sacrificadore principalac eta populuco Ancianoac, hura iracasten ari cela, ethor citecen harengana, cioitela, Cer authoritatez gauça horiac eguiten dituc? eta norc hiri eman drauc authoritate hori?
And whanne he cam in to the temple, the princis of prestis and elder men of the puple camen to hym that tauyte, and seiden, In what power doist thou these thingis? and who yaf thee this power?
24 Ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran ciecén, Interrogaturen çaituztet nic-ere çuec gauça batez, cein badarradaçue nic-ere erranen drauçuet, cer authoritatez gauça hauc eguiten ditudan.
Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, And Y schal axe you o word, the which if ye tellen me, Y schal seie to you, in what power Y do these thingis.
25 Ioannesen Baptismoa nondic cen? cerutic ala guiçonetaric? Eta hec baciharducaten berac baithan, cioitela, Baldin erran badeçagu, Cerutic: erranen draucu, Cergatic bada hura eztucue sinhetsi?
Of whennys was the baptym of Joon; of heuene, or of men? And thei thouyten with ynne hem silf,
26 Eta baldin badarragu, Guiçonetaric: beldur gara communaren: ecen guciéc daducate Ioannes Prophetatan.
seiynge, If we seien of heuene, he schal seie to vs, Whi thanne bileuen ye not to hym? If we seien of men, we dreden the puple, for alle hadden Joon as a prophete.
27 Eta ihardesten ceraucotela Iesusi, erran ceçaten, Etzeaquiagu. Erran ciecén harc-ere, Eztrauçuet nic-ere erraiten cer authoritatez gauça hauc eguiten ditudan.
And thei answeriden to Jhesu, and seiden, We witen not. And he seide to hem, Nether Y seie to you, in what power Y do these thingis.
28 Baina cer irudi çaiçue, Guiçon batec cituen bi seme: eta hurbilduric lehenagana, erran ceçan, Semé habil, egun trabailla adi ene mahastian:
But what semeth to you? A man hadde twey sones; and he cam to the firste, and seide, Sone, go worche this dai in my vyneyerd.
29 Harc ihardesten çuela erran ceçan, Eztiat nahi: baina guero vrriquituric, ioan cedin.
And he answeride, and seide, Y nyle; but afterward he forthouyte, and wente forth.
30 Guero hurbilduric berceagana, erran cieçón halaber. Eta harc ihardesten çuela erran ceçan, Ni nihoac iauna, Eta etzedin ioan.
But he cam to `the tother, and seide on lijk maner. And he answeride, and seide, Lord, Y go; and he wente not.
31 Bi hautaric ceinec eguin çuen bere aitaren vorondatea? Diotsate, Lehenac. Dioste Iesusec, Eguiaz erraiten drauçuet ecen publicanoac eta paillardác aitzincen çaizquiçuela Iaincoaren resumara.
Who of the tweyne dide the fadris wille? Thei seien to hym, The firste. Jhesus seith to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, for pupplicans and hooris schulen go bifor you `in to the kyngdom of God.
32 Ecen ethorri da Ioannes çuetara iustitiazco bideaz, eta eztuçue hura sinhetsi: baina publicanoéc eta paillardéc sinhetsi vkan dute: eta çuec hori ikussiric, etzarete emendatu guero, haren sinhestera.
For Joon cam to you in the weie of riytwisnesse, and ye bileueden not to him; but pupplicans and hooris bileueden to hym. But ye sayn, and hadden no forthenkyng aftir, that ye bileueden to hym.
33 Berce comparationebat ençuçue. Cen aitafamiliabat, ceinec landa baitzeçan mahastibat, eta hura hessiz ingura baitzeçan, eta hartan hobibat eguin ceçan lacotzát, eta edifica ceçan dorrebat, eta aloca ciecén laborariey: eta camporat ioan cedin.
Here ye another parable. There was an hosebonde man, that plauntide a vynyerd, and heggide it aboute, and dalfe a presour ther ynne, and bildide a tour, and hiride it to erthe tilieris, and wente fer in pilgrimage.
34 Bada fructuén sasoina hurbildu cenean, igor citzan bere cerbitzariac laborarietara, fructuén recebitzera.
But whanne the tyme of fruytis neiyede, he sente his seruauntis to the erthe tilieris, to take fruytis of it.
35 Eta laborariéc harturic haren cerbitzariac, bata çaurt ceçaten, eta bercea hil, eta bercea lapida.
And the erthetilieris token his seruauntis, and beeten `the toon, thei slowen another, and thei stonyden another.
36 Berriz igor ceçan berce cerbitzariric lehenac baino guehiago, eta hæi halaber eguin ciecén.
Eftsoone he sente othere seruauntis, mo than the firste, and in lijk maner thei diden to hem.
37 Azquenean igor ceçan hetara bere semea, erraiten çuela, Ondraturen dute ene semea.
And at the laste he sente his sone to hem, and seide, Thei schulen drede my sone.
38 Baina laborariéc ikussiric semea erran ceçaten bere artean, Haur da primua, çatozte, hil deçagun haur, eta gatchetzan hunen heretageari.
But the erthe tilieris, seynge the sone, seiden with ynne hem silf, This is the eire; come ye, sle we hym, and we schulen haue his eritage.
39 Eta harturic hura iraitz ceçaten mahastitic campora, eta hil ceçaten.
And thei token, and castiden hym out of the vynyerd, and slowen hym.
40 Dathorrenean bada mahasti iabeac cer eguinen drauè laborari hæy?
Therfor whanne the lord of the vyneyerd schal come, what schal he do to thilke erthe tilieris?
41 Diotsate, Gaichto hec gaizqui deseguinen: eta bere sasoinean fructuac renda dietzoyoten berce laborariri bere mahastia alocaturen.
Thei seien to hym, He schal leese yuele the yuele men, and he schal sette to hire his vyneyerd to othere erthetilieris, whyche schulen yelde to hym fruyt in her tymes.
42 Dioste Iesusec, Egundano eztuçue iracurri Scripturetan, Edificaçaléc arbuyatu duten harria cantoin buru eguin içan da: Haur Iaunaz eguin içan da, eta da gauça miragarria gure beguién aitzinean?
Jhesus seith to hem, Redden ye neuer in scripturis, The stoon which bilderis repreueden, this is maad in to the heed of the corner? Of the Lord this thing is don, and it is merueilous bifor oure iyen.
43 Halacotz diotsuet ecen edequiren çaiçuela Iaincoaren resumá, eta emanen çayola, hartaco fructuac eguinen dituen populuari.
Therfor Y seie to you, that the kyngdom of God schal be takun fro you, and shal be youun to a folc doynge fruytis of it.
44 Eta harri haren gainera eroriren dena, çathicaturen da: eta noren gainera eroriren baita, hura du chehaturen.
And he that schal falle on this stoon, schal be brokun; but on whom it schal falle, it schal al tobrise hym.
45 Eta ençun citzatenean Sacrificadore principaléc, eta Phariseuéc haren comparationeac, eçagut ceçaten ecen heçaz minço cela.
And whanne the princes of prestis and Farisees hadden herd hise parablis, thei knewen that he seide of hem.
46 Eta hatzaman nahi çutelaric, populuaren beldur içan ciraden, ceren Propheta beçala hura baitzaducaten.
And thei souyten to holde hym, but thei dredden the puple, for thei hadden hym as a prophete.

< Mateo 21 >