< Hebrearrei 9 >

1 Beraz bacituen lehen Alliançac-ere cerbitzu diuinoaren ordenançác, eta sanctuario mundanoa.
That fyrst tabernacle verely had ordinaunces and servynges of god and wordly holynes.
2 Ecen Tabernaclea edificatu içan da, diot, lehena ceinetan baitziraden candelera, eta mahaina, eta propositioneco oguiac, cein deitzen baita Leku sainduac.
For there was a fore tabernacle made wherin was the candlesticke and the table and the shewe breed which is called wholy.
3 Eta bigarren velaren ondoan cen Tabernaclea, Sainduén sainduac deitzen dena:
But with in the secode vayle was ther a tabernacle which is called holiest of all
4 Vrrhezco encenserbat çuelaric, eta Alliançaco Arká ossoqui vrrhez inguru estalia: ceinetan baitzén vrrhezco pegarbat, non baitzén Manna, eta Aaronen cihor lilitu içan cena: eta Alliançaco Taulác.
which had the golden senser and the arcke of the testamet overlayde round about with golde wherin was the golden pot with manna and Aarons rodde that spronge and the tables of the testament.
5 Eta haren gainean gloriazco Cherubinac ciraden Propitiatorioari itzal eguiten ceraucatela, ezta gauça hauçaz orain particularqui minçatzeco mengoaric.
Over the arcke were the cherubis of glory shadowynge the seate of grace. Of which thynges we wyll not now speake perticularly.
6 Eta gauça hauc hunela ordenatuac içanic, lehen Tabernaclean bethiere sartzen ciraden Sacrificadoreac cerbitzuaren colllplitzeagatic.
When these thynges were thus ordeyned the prestes went all wayes into the fyrst tabernacle and executed the service of god.
7 Baina bigarrenean, vrthean behin Sacrificadore subiranoa bera sartzen cen, ez odol gaberic, cein offrendatzen baitzuen bere buruägatic eta populuaren faltacgatic:
But into the seconde went the hye prest alone once every yeare: and not with out bloud which he offered for him silfe and for the ignoraunce of ye people.
8 Harçaz declaratzen çuela Spiritu sainduac, oraino etzela irequi sanctuarioco bidea, lehen tabernaclea oraino çutic egoiten ceno, cein baitzén dembora present hartaco figurá:
Wherwith ye holy goost this signifyeng yt the waye of holy thynges was not yet opened whill as yet ye fyrst tabernacle was stondynge.
9 Ceinetan donoac eta sacrificioac offrendatzen baitziraden, cerbitzua eguiten çuenaren conscientiá, ecin sanctifica ceçaquetelaric.
Which was a similitude for the tyme then present and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte as pertaynynge to the conscience
10 Solament ianharitan, eta edaritan, eta ikutze diuersetan, eta ceremonia carnaletan, haur corregi çaitequeen demborarano ordenatuac:
with only meates and drinkes and divers wesshynges and iustifyinges of the flesshe which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion.
11 Baina Christ içateco ciraden onén Sacrificadore subirano ethorriric, Tabernacle handiago eta perfectoago batez, ez escuz eguinaz, erran nahi baita, ez creatione hunetacoz:
But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a moare parfecte tabernacle not made with hondes: that is to saye not of this maner bildynge
12 Eta ez aker edo aretze odolez, baina bere odol propriaz behin sarthu içan da leku sainduetan redemptione eternala obtenituric. (aiōnios g166)
nether by the bloud of gotes and calves: but by his awne bloud we entred once for all into the holy place and founde eternall redemcion. (aiōnios g166)
13 Ecen baldin cecenén eta akerrén odolac, eta bigáren hauts barreyatuac, satsuac sanctificatzen baditu haraguiaren puritateaz den becembatean:
For yf the bloud of oxen and of Gotes and the asshes of an heyfer whe it was sprynckled puryfied the vnclene as touchynge the purifiynge of the flesshe:
14 Cembatez areago Christen odolac, ceinec Spiritu eternalaz bere buruä macularic gabe Iaincoari offrendatu baitrauca, chahuturen du obra hiletaric çuen conscientiá Iainco viciaren cerbitzatzeco? (aiōnios g166)
How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god? (aiōnios g166)
15 Eta halacotz da Testamentu berriaren ararteco, herioa artean iarriric, leheneco Testamentuaren azpian ciraden transgressionén redemptionetan, deithuéc heretage eternaleco promessa recebi deçatençát. (aiōnios g166)
And for this cause is he the mediator of ye newe testament that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamet) they which were called myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce. (aiōnios g166)
16 Ecen testamenturic den lekuan, necessario da testamentu eguilearen herioa den.
For whersoever is a testament there must also be the deeth of him that maketh the testament.
17 Ecen testamentua hilétan confirmatu da, ikussiric ecen oraino eztuela balio testamentu eguilea vici deno.
For the testament taketh auctoritie when men are deed: For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is alive.
18 Bada, lehena-ere ezta odolic gabe dedicatu içan.
For which cause also nether that fyrst testament was ordeyned with out bloud.
19 Ecen iracurri cerautzanean manamendu guciac Leguearen arauez Moysesec populu guciari, harturic aretzén eta akerrén odola vrarequin, eta escarlatan tintatu ilerequin eta hyssoparequin bay liburuä bay populu gucia ihizta citzan:
For when all the commaundementes were redde of Moses vnto all the people he toke ye bloud of calves and of Gotes with water and purple woll and ysope and sprynkled both the boke and all the people
20 Cioela, Haur da Iaincoac çuey ordenatu drauçuen Testamentuco odola.
sayinge: this is the bloud of the testament which god hath apoynted vnto you.
21 Guero Tabernaclea-ere halaber, eta cerbitzuco vnci guciac, odolez ihizta citzan.
Morover he sprenkled the tabernacle with bloud also and all the ministrynge vessels.
22 Eta quasi gauça guciac Leguearen arauez odolez purificatzen dirade, eta odol issurtze gabe barkamenduric ezta eguiten.
And almost all thynges are bye the lawe pourged with bloud and with out effusion of bloud is no remission.
23 Behar içan da beraz ceruètan diraden gaucén figurác, hunelaco gauça hauçaz purifica litecen, baina celestial berac purifica ditecen hauc diraden baino sacrificio hobez.
It is then nede that the similitudes of hevenly thynges be purified with soche thynges: but the hevenly thynges them selves are purified with better sacrifises then are those.
24 Ecen Iesus ezta leku saindu escuz eguinetan sarthu, cein baitziraden eguiazcoey ihardesten cerauecen figurác: baina ceruän berean, orain Iaincoaren beguitharte aitzinean guregatic comparitzeco.
For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with hondes which are but similitudes of true thynges: but is entred into very heven for to appere now in the syght of God for vs:
25 Baina ez anhitzetan bere buruä offrenda deçançát, Sacrificadore subiranoa leku sainduetan vrthe guciaz berceren odolequin sartzen cen beçala.
not to offer him silfe often as the hye prest entreth in to ye holy place every yeare with straunge bloud
26 (Bercela suffritu behar vkan çuqueen anhitzetan munduaren fundationeaz gueroztic) baina orain behin seculén consummationean, bekatuaren destructionetan, bere buruäzco sacrificioaz comparitu içan da. (aiōn g165)
for then must he have often suffered sence the worlde bega. But now in the ende of the worlde hath he appered once to put synne to flyght by the offerynge vp of him silfe. (aiōn g165)
27 Eta hala nola ordenatu baitzaye guiçoney behin hiltzera, eta guero iugemendua:
And as it is apoynted vnto men that they shall once dye and then commeth the iudegement even
28 Halaber Christ-ere behin offrendatu içanic anhitzen bekatuac aboli litzançát, berrizco aldian bekatu gabe aguerturen çaye haren beguira daudeney saluamendutacotz.
so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.

< Hebrearrei 9 >