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1 HATSEAN-DANIC cena, ençun vkan duguna, gure beguiéz ikussi vkan duguna, contemplatu vkan duguna, eta gure escuéc hunqui vkan dutena vicitzeco Hitzaz.
That thing that was fro the bigynnyng, which we herden, which we sayn with oure iyen, which we bihelden, and oure hondis touchiden, of the word of lijf;
2 (Ecen vicitzea manifestatu içan da, eta ikussi vkan dugu, eta testificatzen dugu eta denuntiatzen drauçuegu vicitze eternala, cein baitzén Aita baithan, eta aguertu içan baitzaicu.) (aiōnios g166)
and the lijf is schewid. And we sayn, and we witnessen, and tellen to you the euerlastynge lijf, that was anentis the fadir, and apperide to vs. (aiōnios g166)
3 Eta ikussi eta ençun vkan duguna, diot, denuntiatzen drauçuegula, cuec-ere communione duçuençát gurequin, eta gure communionea da Aitarequin eta Iesus Christ haren Semearequin.
Therfor `we tellen to you that thing, that we seyn, and herden, that also ye haue felowschipe with vs, and oure felowschip be with the fadir, and with his sone Jhesu Crist.
4 Eta gauça hauc scribatzen drauzquiçuegu çuen bozcarioa compli dadinçát.
And we writen this thing to you, that ye haue ioye, and that youre ioye be ful.
5 Haur da bada harenganic ençun vkan dugun mandatalgoa eta denuntiátzen drauçueguna, Ecen Iaincoa dela arguia, eta ilhumberic batre hura baithan eztela.
And this is the tellyng, that we herden of hym, and tellen to you, that God is liyt, and ther ben no derknessis in him.
6 Baldin erran badeçagu ecen communione dugula harequin, eta ilhumbean bagabiltza, gueçurra erraiten dugu, eta eztugu eguiten eguiá.
If we seien, that we han felawschip with hym, and we wandren in derknessis, we lien, and don not treuthe.
7 Baina baldin arguian bagabiltza, hura arguian den beçala, communione dugu elkarrequin harequin batean, eta Iesus Christ haren Semearen odolac purgatzen gaitu bekatu orotaric.
But if we walken in liyt, as also he is in liyt, we han felawschip togidere; and the blood of Jhesu Crist, his sone, clensith vs fro al synne.
8 Baldin erran badeçagu ecen bekaturic eztugula, gure buruäc seducitzen ditugu, eta eguiá gutan ezta.
If we seien, that we han no synne, we disseyuen vs silf, and treuthe is not in vs.
9 Baldin confessa baditzagu gure bekatuac, fidel da eta iusto, guri gure bekatuén barkatzeco, eta iniquitate orotaric gure purgatzeco.
If we knowlechen oure synnes, he is feithful and iust, that he foryyue to vs oure synnes, and clense vs from al wickidnesse.
10 Baldin erran badeçagu ecen eztugula bekaturic eguin: gueçurti eguiten dugu hura, eta haren hitza ezta gutan.
And if we seien, we han not synned, we maken hym a liere, and his word is not in vs.

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