< Luke 14 >

1 Nau hethauwuu, daujedāde hedauauwunene hanesāhenith najane Nesethajauhuhau hadvethee jauaujau vadanesee, henee haeaunauyauhauvaa.
On one occasion, as Jesus was going, on a Sabbath into the house of one of the leading Pharisees to dine, they were watching him closely.
2 Nau, naune, hena jasaa henane hathaāhede haenenesaunenauau.
There he saw before him a man who was suffering from dropsy.
3 Nau Hejavaneauthusau haeauchuhananadetha nanavaavehehau nau Nesethajauhuhau, gaujenanavanau henayauthaude vadanesee? hāthauhuk.
“Is it allowable,” said Jesus, addressing the students of the Law and the Pharisees, “to work a cure on the Sabbath, or is it not?”
4 Nau haedādaunaugunauau. Nau hanaāedanaunith nau haeenayauha, nau haejenana;
They remained silent. Jesus took hold of the man and cured him, and sent him away.
5 Nau haeauchuhananadetha, Hanaa hedauneau naugauchaudahehau wauāth waugaje janesenayaugaune hadaudaunaudenee, nau gauchauchaunu gauhadnauuguthauva vadanesee? hathauhuk.
And he said to them, “Which of you, finding that your son or your ox has fallen into a well, will not immediately pull them out on the Sabbath day?”
6 Nau haeeyauhuune nesenehethauthee jea nuu hayauhuhau.
And they could not make any answer to that.
7 Nau haedadajenehetha henee hathāadethavathee, hāenauhauwaude hasayāchauhauwunethe najatheaugudaunau; hanaāāedauwunaude,
Observing that the guests were choosing the best places for themselves, Jesus told them this parable –
8 Hāene nananena hadethaunā henanenauau gauwuhaudeneagu, jevajanauguu najatheaugudaunaa; havajavaānethā henane havajavaāheva henee hadethade;
“When you are invited by anyone to a wedding banquet, do not seat yourself in the best place. Someone of higher rank might have been invited by your host;
9 Nau henee hadethāde nau nananede hadjaude nau hadnethāne, Venene naa henane hadehedaugu; nau nananene haddayāhene janaugunenagu hesaudavaa.
and the host who invited you both will come and say to you ‘Make room for this person,’ and then you will begin in confusion to take the lowest place.
10 Hau hāene nananene hadethanenagu, haddeyehau nau hadjanaugu hesaudavaa henee hāene hadethāde hadjaude, hadethāne, Va javesa; hadnaāene nananene vechauthānaune henee hanethevethehevādaunauau.
No, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place, so that, when the host who has invited you comes, he may say to you ‘Friend, come higher up’; and then you will be honored in the eyes of all your fellow guests.
11 Hanau daun nanajathajaude nehayau hadnausādauaude; nau henee nausādauauadede nehayau hadnajanede.
For everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and everyone who humbles themselves will be exalted.”
12 Hanaāenehethaude jea henee hadethādaune, Hāene nananene gauusevanenagu wauāthe hethunevethehevanenagu, jevaadesene hādaehauhauau, wauāthe hāthesaunauau, daudause hādauānauau, wauāthe nethauyādahagu hanedaudewau; havaadethaa jea, nau havaaunaudaunā.
Then Jesus went on to say to the man who had invited him, “When you give a breakfast or a dinner, do not ask your friends, or your brothers or sisters, or your relatives, or rich neighbors, because they might invite you in return, and so you should be repaid.
13 Hau hāene nananene vethehevanenagu, hadadethaunauau hadavenuhuhauau, henesenehehauau, jeneejavesahehauau, nanenauguhuhauau;
No, when you entertain, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind;
14 Nau nananene hadnauwunaunane; hanau daujeneaunaudaunānaune: hanau nananene hadnaunaudaunane jaegauhadeneagu hathāethadee.
and then you will be happy indeed, since they cannot reward you; for you will be rewarded at the resurrection of the just.”
15 Hāene hanesāde henee henethevethehevādaune daunedauwaudauwunith nuu hayauhuhau, Hauwunaunade henee hadvethee jauaujau henajanedaunene Hejavaneauthu, hathāhuk.
One of the guests heard what he said and exclaimed, “Happy will be the person who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!”
16 Hanaāāedauwunaude, jasaa henane haeavathethunevetheheva, nau haeauwauhadethānanena;
But Jesus said to him, “A man was once giving a great dinner. He invited many people,
17 Nau haejenana hewauwaune dauethunevethehedaunee hadnāedauwunaunith henee hadethavathe, Jenajesaa; vahee hayauhuhau wauwu hanesejenanee.
and sent his servant, when it was time for the dinner, to say to those who had been invited ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
18 Nau vahee haenesadene hathauchuwuhadethee hadnudanathee. Nanedauwauaude hasenehethauhuk, Neaudaunaudauwau vedauauwuu, nau hadneyehaunau nau hadnauhaudauwau: Nehethathane hadnudanene.
They all with one accord began to ask to be excused. The first said to the servant ‘I have bought a field and am obliged to go and look at it. I must ask you to consider me excused.’
19 Nau jasaa ahagu, Neaudaunauthu yauthauyauna hedauhuwaugaje, nau hadneyehaunau hadnayāduuhuu: nenehethathane hadnudanene.
The next said ‘I have bought five pairs of bullocks, and I am on my way to try them. I must ask you to consider me excused’;
20 Nau jasaa hahagu, hedauwunenenau, nau naajeneejaunau.
while the next said ‘I am just married, and for that reason I am unable to come.’
21 Hanaāejenauusade henee wauwau, nau hanaāenauhauthehaude hadāhewaunādaune nuu hayauhuhau. Wauhā hechauhauthethāhe hauauwuu hanaāasenaunade hanaāāedauwunaude hewauwaune, Yegauhu nauhauhaunee hadaugauchaudāe nau hadaugauchauchanee hedane, nau hadjāthaunauau hede hathāadavenuhunethee, nau henesenehehauau, nau jeneejavesahehauau, nau nanenauguhuhauau.
On his return the servant told his master all these answers. Then in anger the owner of the house said to his servant ‘Go out at once into the streets and alleys of the town, and bring in here the poor, and the crippled, and the blind, and the lame.’
22 Nau wauwau hasenehethauhuk, Vahadāhene, naasedaunau hasenehesene nau nausunauthauyauau, hathāhuk.
Presently the servant said ‘Sir, your order has been carried out, and still there is room.’
23 Nau Vahadāhede haeāedauwuna wauwaune, Yehau hathenavaunaa nau nethauchayaunaa nau hadjādasauaunaunauau hadejejedāthee, henee naudauauwuu hadeechauchaunaa.
‘Go out,’ the master said, ‘into the roads and hedgerows, and make people come in, so that my house may be filled;
24 Hanau nāedauwunathane, henee hegau hena henanenauau neadethathee hadnehauwuvajadauwu nadethunevethehewau.
for I tell you all that not one of those people who were invited will taste my dinner.’”
25 Nau hena haenethaunau havathenanedanede: nau hanaāejaaagude, nau hanaāāedauwunaude,
One day, when great crowds of people were walking with Jesus, he turned and said to them,
26 Hith daun henane hedasānaugu, hau jasānauwauhuk henesaunaune, nau henaune, nau henene, nau dāeyaunauau, nau henethesaunau, nau hedasāwau, haa nau nehayau hedenaedede jea, nāhauwuneethauguhaa.
“If any one comes to me and does not hate their father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes and even their life, he can be no disciple of mine.
27 Nau daun janenevaa henaugauchu, nau thauguhānaugu, nāhauwuneethauguhaa.
Whoever does not carry their own cross, and walk in my steps, can be no disciple of mine.
28 Hanaa nananena vanadaunesedede hayauauwun gauhadjejanaugu nedauau hadnayādede hadauchuunee, wauau hanaadauchanenee hesehenee?
Why, which of you, when you want to build a tower, does not first sit down and reckon the cost, to see if you have enough to complete it? –
29 Havaene hesejenanauhuk hauunauganau, nau hanājeneesedede, vahee henee hathāenauhaudauau hadneevavavayaudenenee.
Otherwise, if you have laid the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will laugh at you,
30 Naa henane nenesedede, hau hajeneesedede, hanāthāde.
and say ‘Here is a person who began to build and was not able to finish!’
31 Wauāthe daun naja, vadauvauthauhuk jachau najane, hanājanaugude nedauau, nau hanāgaugauanadauau wauau haneene nauguu vadadauchu vasevadadausauau hadnenuchaunaude henee hejevenahedaunau nauguu nesauau vasevadadausauau?
Or what king, when he is setting out to fight another king, does not first sit down and consider if with ten thousand men he is able to meet one who is coming against him with twenty thousand?
32 Wauāthe, hajesenausujechaugunethe, hanāyethautheavede, nau hanānayāthenedauāwaunaude.
And if he cannot, then, while the other is still at a distance, he sends envoys and asks for terms of peace.
33 Nau naasauau, daun nananena henee janenaunaudauau vahee henetheyaunau, nāhauwuneethauguhaa.
And so with everyone of you who does not bid farewell to all you have – you cannot be a disciple of mine.
34 Nejauauwuu hethadee: hau hith nejauauwuu jevanujaudāgu, hayew hadneenejauauwujauau?
Yes, salt is good; but, if the salt itself should lose its strength, what will be used to season it?
35 Daudause hehauwuuthade vedauauwuu, wauāthe heee vehethe; hau henanenauau hanāneāgudede. Daun henaudaununede heenedauvahek jaathedeha.
It is not fit either for the land or for the manure heap. People throw it away. Let those who have ears to hear with hear!”

< Luke 14 >