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لِإِمَامِ ٱلْمُغَنِّينَ. تَسْبِيحَةٌ. مَزْمُورٌ اِهْتِفِي لِلهِ يَا كُلَّ ٱلْأَرْضِ! ١ 1
For the end, a Song of Psalm of resurrection. Shout to God, all the earth.
رَنِّمُوا بِمَجْدِ ٱسْمِهِ. ٱجْعَلُوا تَسْبِيحَهُ مُمَجَّدًا. ٢ 2
O sing praises to his name; give glory to his praise.
قُولُوا لِلهِ: «مَا أَهْيَبَ أَعْمَالَكَ! مِنْ عِظَمِ قُوَّتِكَ تَتَمَلَّقُ لَكَ أَعْدَاؤُكَ. ٣ 3
Say to God, How awful are your works! through the greatness of your power your enemies shall lie to you.
كُلُّ ٱلْأَرْضِ تَسْجُدُ لَكَ وَتُرَنِّمُ لَكَ. تُرَنِّمُ لِٱسْمِكَ». سِلَاهْ. ٤ 4
Let all the earth worship you, and sing to you; let them sing to your name. (Pause)
هَلُمَّ ٱنْظُرُوا أَعْمَالَ ٱللهِ. فِعْلَهُ ٱلْمُرْهِبَ نَحْوَ بَنِي آدَمَ! ٥ 5
Come and behold the works of God; [he is] terrible in [his] counsels beyond the children of men.
حَوَّلَ ٱلْبَحْرَ إِلَى يَبَسٍ، وَفِي ٱلنَّهْرِ عَبَرُوا بِٱلرِّجْلِ. هُنَاكَ فَرِحْنَا بِهِ. ٦ 6
Who turns the sea into dry land; they shall go through the river on foot; there shall we rejoice in him,
مُتَسَلِّطٌ بِقُوَّتِهِ إِلَى ٱلدَّهْرِ. عَيْنَاهُ تُرَاقِبَانِ ٱلْأُمَمَ. ٱلْمُتَمَرِّدُونَ لَا يَرْفَعُونَ أَنْفُسَهُمْ. سِلَاهْ. ٧ 7
who by his power is Lord over the age, his eyes look upon the nations; let not them that provoke [him] be exalted in themselves. (Pause)
بَارِكُوا إِلَهَنَا يَا أَيُّهَا ٱلشُّعُوبُ، وَسَمِّعُوا صَوْتَ تَسْبِيحِهِ. ٨ 8
Bless our God, you Gentiles, and make the voice of his praise to be heard;
ٱلْجَاعِلَ أَنْفُسَنَا فِي ٱلْحَيَاةِ، وَلَمْ يُسَلِّمْ أَرْجُلَنَا إِلَى ٱلزَّلَلِ. ٩ 9
who quickens my soul in life, and does not suffer my feet to be moved.
لِأَنَّكَ جَرَّبْتَنَا يَا ٱللهُ. مَحَصْتَنَا كَمَحْصِ ٱلْفِضَّةِ. ١٠ 10
For you, O God, has proved us; you have tried us with fire as silver is tried.
أَدْخَلْتَنَا إِلَى ٱلشَّبَكَةِ. جَعَلْتَ ضَغْطًا عَلَى مُتُونِنَا. ١١ 11
You brought us into the snare; you laid afflictions on our back.
رَكَّبْتَ أُنَاسًا عَلَى رُؤُوسِنَا. دَخَلْنَا فِي ٱلنَّارِ وَٱلْمَاءِ، ثُمَّ أَخْرَجْتَنَا إِلَى ٱلْخِصْبِ. ١٢ 12
You did mount men upon our heads; we went through the fire and water; but you brought us out into [a place of] refreshment.
أَدْخُلُ إِلَى بَيْتِكَ بِمُحْرَقَاتٍ، أُوفِيكَ نُذُورِي ١٣ 13
I will go into your house with whole burnt offerings; I will pay you my vows,
ٱلَّتِي نَطَقَتْ بِهَا شَفَتَايَ، وَتَكَلَّمَ بِهَا فَمِي فِي ضِيقِي. ١٤ 14
which my lips framed, and my mouth uttered in my affliction.
أُصْعِدُ لَكَ مُحْرَقَاتٍ سَمِينَةً مَعَ بْخُورِ كِبَاشٍ. أُقَدِّمُ بَقَرًا مَعَ تُيُوسٍ. سِلَاهْ. ١٥ 15
I will offer to you whole burnt sacrifices full of marrow, with incense and rams; I will sacrifice to you oxen with goats. (Pause)
هَلُمَّ ٱسْمَعُوا فَأُخْبِرَكُمْ يَا كُلَّ ٱلْخَائِفِينَ ٱللهَ بِمَا صَنَعَ لِنَفْسِي. ١٦ 16
Come, hear, and I will tell, all you that fear God, how great things he has done for my soul.
صَرَخْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِفَمِي، وَتَبْجِيلٌ عَلَى لِسَانِي. ١٧ 17
I cried to him with my mouth, and exalted him with my tongue.
إِنْ رَاعَيْتُ إِثْمًا فِي قَلْبِي لَا يَسْتَمِعُ لِيَ ٱلرَّبُّ. ١٨ 18
If I have regarded iniquity in my heart, let not the Lord listen [to me].
لَكِنْ قَدْ سَمِعَ ٱللهُ. أَصْغَى إِلَى صَوْتِ صَلَاتِي. ١٩ 19
Therefore God has listened to me; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.
مُبَارَكٌ ٱللهُ، ٱلَّذِي لَمْ يُبْعِدْ صَلَاتِي وَلَا رَحْمَتَهُ عَنِّي. ٢٠ 20
Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

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