< اَلْمَزَامِيرُ 46 >

لِإِمَامِ ٱلْمُغَنِّينَ. لِبَنِي قُورَحَ. عَلَى «ٱلْجَوَابِ». تَرْنِيمَةٌ ٱللهُ لَنَا مَلْجَأٌ وَقُوَّةٌ. عَوْنًا فِي ٱلضِّيْقَاتِ وُجِدَ شَدِيدًا. ١ 1
God is the one who protects us and causes us to be strong; he is always ready to help us when we have troubles.
لِذَلِكَ لَا نَخْشَى وَلَوْ تَزَحْزَحَتِ ٱلْأَرْضُ، وَلَوِ ٱنْقَلَبَتِ ٱلْجِبَالُ إِلَى قَلْبِ ٱلْبِحَارِ. ٢ 2
So, even if the earth shakes, we will not be afraid. Even if the mountains fall into the middle of the sea,
تَعِجُّ وَتَجِيشُ مِيَاهُهَا. تَتَزَعْزَعُ ٱلْجِبَالُ بِطُمُوِّهَا. سِلَاهْ. ٣ 3
and if the water in the sea roars and foams, and the hills shake violently, we will not be afraid!
نَهْرٌ سَوَاقِيهِ تُفَرِّحُ مَدِينَةَ ٱللهِ، مَقْدِسَ مَسَاكِنِ ٱلْعَلِيِّ. ٤ 4
[Blessings that come from] God are like a river that makes everyone in the city where [we worship] God joyful. It is the city where the temple of God, who is greater than any other god, exists.
ٱللهُ فِي وَسَطِهَا فَلَنْ تَتَزَعْزَعَ. يُعِينُهَا ٱللهُ عِنْدَ إِقْبَالِ ٱلصُّبْحِ. ٥ 5
God is in this city, and it will never be destroyed; he will [come to] help [the people in] that city at dawn every day.
عَجَّتِ ٱلْأُمَمُ. تَزَعْزَعَتِ ٱلْمَمَالِكُ. أَعْطَى صَوْتَهُ، ذَابَتِ ٱلْأَرْضُ. ٦ 6
[Sometimes] the [people of many] nations are terrified; kingdoms (are overthrown/cease to exist); God speaks [loudly like thunder], and the earth melts (OR, people everywhere become terrified) [MET].
رَبُّ ٱلْجُنُودِ مَعَنَا. مَلْجَأُنَا إِلَهُ يَعْقُوبَ. سِلَاهْ. ٧ 7
But Yahweh, the commander of the armies of heaven, is with us; the God whom Jacob worshiped (OR, we Israeli people worship) is our refuge.
هَلُمُّوا ٱنْظُرُوا أَعْمَالَ ٱللهِ، كَيْفَ جَعَلَ خِرَبًا فِي ٱلْأَرْضِ. ٨ 8
Come and (see/think about) the amazing things that Yahweh has done [DOU]!
مُسَكِّنُ ٱلْحُرُوبِ إِلَى أَقْصَى ٱلْأَرْضِ. يَكْسِرُ ٱلْقَوْسَ وَيَقْطَعُ ٱلرُّمْحَ. ٱلْمَرْكَبَاتُ يُحْرِقُهَا بِٱلنَّارِ. ٩ 9
He stops wars all over the world; he breaks bows [and arrows]; he destroys spears; he burns up shields.
كُفُّوا وَٱعْلَمُوا أَنِّي أَنَا ٱللهُ. أَتَعَالَى بَيْنَ ٱلْأُمَمِ، أَتَعَالَى فِي ٱلْأَرْضِ. ١٠ 10
[God says], “Be quiet, and remember that I am God! I will be honored by the people of all nations. I will be honored all over the earth.”
رَبُّ ٱلْجُنُودِ مَعَنَا. مَلْجَأُنَا إِلَهُ يَعْقُوبَ. سِلَاهْ. ١١ 11
[So never forget that] Yahweh, the commander of the armies of heaven, is with us; the God whom Jacob worshiped (OR, we Israeli people worship) is our refuge.

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